Chapter 54

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DAVID WAS INSTANTLY SOBERED by Shelly's whisper and slamming her bag into his head.

Previously loud and talkative, David was now quiet. Art helped David leave his seat and walk toward Shelly's ride. Art slid into the backseat beside David as his wife took the passenger seat. Once they buckled up, the couple looked at each other, exhausted.

Shelly sighed. "Where are you checked in?"

David just stared at her. Shelly then glared at her husband. Immediately, Art searched David's pockets. He smiled when he found a hotel room key and proudly handed it to his wife. As Shelly read the hotel name from the key card, she instructed Ethan's driver to take them there.


Inside David's hotel room, Art and Shelly helped him get into bed after making sure he drank hungover pills before dozing off. After an hour, Shelly sighed while the couple rested in the adjacent living area.

"Freaking asshat! He's not in his right mind! Instead of resolving the issue, he's just creating more issues!" Shelly declared.

Art slowly massaged Shelly's tensed shoulders. "Relax, Hon; I don't want you to be stressed. You know that. But how long are we staying here?" he asked in a whisper.

Shelly glared at him. "We're staying here until we can put sense in that asshat's thick skull!"

"I'm not a fan of what he did to Ave, but I feel bad for him." Art started placing small kisses on his wife's neck and shoulders. "The more I witness what's happening to him, the more I appreciate your forgiveness and trust in me. I don't know how I would take it if I were in his shoes. Thank you, Hon. I love you!" He placed his lips on Shelly's.

Shelly kissed back with the same passion. "Everything you just said... you should curve in your brain, Hon. Because this marriage we have is your last chance." She bit his lower lip. Art's eyes were full of lust. He whispered in her ear, "Should we get a room?" Shelly smirked.

"Get a room, you guys!" David yelled as he stood at his room door, looking at the couple on the couch.

Shelly pulled from Art's arms and stood up with her finger pointed at David. "You dickhead! You haven't learned! What a circus you made today!"

Immediately, Shelly took a throw pillow on the couch and threw it toward a surprised David. Unprepared, it smacked him in the face. A loud curse came out of his mouth. Though he wanted to spit out more cursing words, he knew Shelly better than that. So when she motioned for him to join Art on the couch, he followed without complaint.

Once he and Art were seated beside each other, Shelly took hers on the one-seater, facing them both. She was like a parent ready to make her children recite their confessions. But, instead, Art cleared his throat and slouched. David did stretching motions on his shoulders and neck. They both avoided Shelly's scowl.

But when Shelly started talking, both men looked at her. They knew the woman very well. She should have their full attention. "What the fuck were you thinking?" She snarled at David.

"I'm just stressing my right as the father!" David replied with a firm but soft voice, not wanting to irate Shelly.

Shelly sighed aloud and blew a strand of her hair away from her face. "Don't you think the truth hasn't stressed it enough? We all know you're the father, dickhead! I know you're smart and one of the best in your field, but sometimes you must reason with your heart, not your smart brain."

Art clapped. He was in awe of his wife. "Dude, listen to my wife."

David's brows turned up. He was unable to decipher what Shelly's words meant. Finally, he tried to change the topic. "I'm hungry. Let's order room service. I'm sure you guys are hungry, too." He looked away from Shelly and started dialing for room service.

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