Chapter 37

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ETHAN. THE HOT DAD of Ella—one hotshot of a man—walked toward them in all his glory, wearing casual comfy black jeans and a cream cotton shirt. Oozing with charm, he looked delectable even with a glittering king sash.

Avery blinked to ensure she read the word on Ethan's sash correctly. Her cheeks reddened as her mouth snapped shut. Triple OMG! Why did Ella put the Queen sash on her? She was glued to the spot. Her mind tried to convince her that Ella's hot dad hadn't mesmerized her for the second time, but her body disagreed.

She couldn't read what was going on in Ethan's mind. He cooly walked toward them with the same gaze as when they were in the park. Shelly and Art were there for the free show. The couple couldn't take their eyes off Ethan and Avery. Art was more on analyzing Ethan, man to man. Shelly couldn't decide. Would she play the Cupid for the two, who were undeniably smitten? Or would she keep her mission of being the best friend slash inspector slash guardian angel slash vetter slash protector?

The shift in the atmosphere was evident. Shelly, Art, and the nanny all had their eyes on Ethan and Avery. They felt a significant connection between the two. Ella, innocent as she should be, also knew something special was happening. She was too young to understand what was happening around her, but she knew one thing: Miss Pretty and her dad together always made her happy. In her eight-year-old mind, they were her mission.

"Daddy! Miss Pretty is here. Look!" Ella pointed at the sash she put on Avery. "I found our queen. We're complete now." The little girl's eyes were twinkling.

Avery nearly choked hearing what Ella said. Art's eyes bored into Ethan. The nanny was grinning. Shelly was ecstatic in silence. She looked between her best friend's deep red face and Ella's hot dad.

"Are we going to play Cupid now? I feel bad for David," Art whispered to Shelly.

Shelly gave Art a dreadful look. "Stop patronizing that dickhead. Go get us popcorn!"

From where Shelly was standing, she witnessed a raw but special moment. Ethan, Avery, and Ella were in their bubble. Ethan was bewitched by Avery, who was captivated by his piping-hot charms. Both were unaware of the powerful effect that incited happiness on young Ella's face. Ste was right. Could this be Avery's destiny unfolding in front of me? Shelly asked herself.

Avery's attention was diverted to Doctor Stella, who was approaching them. Shelly noticed her discomfort. Avery's hands clamped onto her queen sash. Shelly recognized the panic on her best friend's face. She knew Avery wanted to remove the sash to prevent Ste from seeing her wearing it.

Shelly smirked. Poor Ave! You should have read the file. It would have saved you from anxiety!

Before Avery could remove the sash, she saw Shelly run toward Doctor Stella. She was speechless. The two hugged each other. She stared at the two, talking and laughing together. Was she missing something?

While Avery and Ethan focused on the joyful reunion between Doctor Stella and Shelly, Ella took advantage of the situation to fulfill her mission. Amused at Avery's expression, Ethan watched the exchange of pleasantries between the two ladies in front of them. He memorized the face that had been popping into his mind since that afternoon in the park. Avery was on the verge of having an anxiety attack. Her dilemma was turning weak in front of Ethan and being embarrassed facing Doctor Stella.

Shelly has lots of explaining to do! Avery told herself. Even without looking, she could feel the eyes of the desirable creature gaping at her. It made her knees weak. She decided not to look at him for as long as she could. Without a doubt, her body would betray her once their eyes met.

Before It's Too LateOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora