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A not-so simple week had passed by since Yunhee and Haechan began living together as soulmates with their kid.

Unfortunately for Yunhee, Haechan was not letting up his stubborn and rude front. Because of this, Yunhee and Haechan were both in pain while their child watched, oblivious to the arguing and was still trying to bring them together in any kind of way possible, which led to no avail.

Haechan continued his rude actions and Yunhee was left to wonder why. She was blaming herself for everything wrong with them.

It was a Friday evening when Yunhee had decided to take some time to play with Kyungsan. Haechan wasn't home after spending the day with his friends.

"Dude, I still don't understand why I got her as my soulmate." Haechan said as he took a sip of the milkshake he had bought.

"We don't know why either, man, but it's the universe's choice and there's no changing it." Mark replied, eating watermelon from the cup of fruit he had bought at a nearby stand.

"It honestly sucks so much ass. I fucking hate it. I'm pretty sure I hate her." Haechan said and at that, Jaemin stopped as well as the others which confused Haechan.

Jaemin looked at his friend with a disappointment in his eyes. Yeah, he didn't have to fall in love so fast but he still said he hated her and he knew that he was probably treating her like crap.

"Haechan, you need to stop." Jaemin said and the said boy furrowed his brows, not understanding the sudden shift in mood.

"What are you talking about?" Haechan asked and Jaemin scoffed slightly.

"Dude, from the way you've been speaking about Yunhee, it isn't hard to assume that you're treating her like shit." Jaemin said and the others boys gave a slight nod of agreement.

"I'm not treating her like shit." Haechan lied and Jaemin raised his brow.

"Really? Name the last nice thing you did to her." He told him as he crossed his arms.

Haechan began to think, swallowing down the lump that formed in his throat from the nervousness.

"I cooked her breakfast.. Last week." Haechan told the boy and Jaemin sighed.

"Haechan, stop being a bitch to her. Don't hurt yourself and her because of your dumb actions."

"None of this is my fault!" Haechan bursted out, surprising Jaemin slightly.

"She's the one who nearly murdered you. You're supposed to be way more pissed off and hate her even more than I do!"

"Exactly! I'm the one that's supposed to be hating her. I'm the one that's supposed to be treating her like shit but I'm not. Why? Cause I know I'm gonna have to deal with her in my life and from her run-ins with me, I can see she's genuinely sorry. This shit didn't physically affect you. You're not the one who was nearly murdered so stop being a fucking douche to her." Jaemin said and at that, Haechan turned silent. He didn't know how to reply since he was right.

"You don't have to forgive her cause I get it, I'm one of your best friends and you felt hurt but keep in mind that she's your soulmate. If you keep being a douche, you're just gonna continue hurting yourself and her. You have to fall in love with her, whether you like it or not or else, you're just gonna be in an endless amount of pain. Now tell me, how does she act?" Jaemin asked.

"She's... trying to get on my good side? She acts as if she's scared of me." Haechan said as guilt courses through his body.

"She wants to try this with you, Haechan but you're scaring her. You make her fear with that anger you have towards her. Be nicer and treat her like a god damn person." Jaemin scolded and Haechan sighed while nodding.

"Now get your ass home. It's late and we're supposed to go over to see your kid tomorrow." Jaemin said and at that, the group of boys all bid goodbye to each other.

Haechan arrived home not too long after and was greeted by the sight of Yunhee on the couch, most likely waiting for him.

"Hi." Was all that Haechan said in monotone voice and expression as he entered the home which caught Yunhee's attention.

Yunhee gulped down the lump in her throat and waved, trying to see if he was in a bad mood.

"I- made food just in case you were hungry." She told him and Haechan only shook his head.

"Not hungry. Where's my kid?" At those words, Kyungsan came running from down the hall, arms open to hug Haechan.

At the sight of Kyungsan, a bright smile was put on Haechan's face, his assumably annoyed expression finally leaving.

A sad smile lingered on Yunhee'sface as she watched their interaction. She was glad Haechan didn't disregard their child the way he did with her.

"Let's head to bed, big guy. You get to meet my friends tomorrow." Haechan said as he tickled Kyungsan, causing him to burst into giggles.

"Wait, Mommy come with us." Kyungsan said and gestured for Yunhee to go to them but she only shook her head.

"I'll be there later. I need some time alone down here." She told the boy who thankfully didn't argue back this time and nodded.

At that, the two boys walked upstairs and went to bed, falling asleep shortly after.

Yunhee was left alone with her thoughts once again.

She was wondering what she was doing wrong. Why was she still being treated like this? Why does he hate her more than Jaemin does?

Everything was clouding her mind at once and once again, tears began to develop in her eyes.

Shaky breaths emitted from her mouth as she tried to stabilize and keep in her emotions but nothing was working.

After holding them in for a good thirty minutes, her thoughts became too much to handle and tears began to slip from her eyes.

The small tears eventually turned into quiet sobs. She was left wondering why he treated her in such a way.

Haechan awoke, noticing Yunhee wasn't at the bed like she normally was.

With quiet movements, Haechan went to the door and opened it, immediately hearing her sobs.

"What am I doing wrong?" Yunhee croaked out, an unbearable pain in her chest. Haechan was curious, wanting to find out exactly what she was crying about but already getting the hint that it was about him.

"Why can't he treat me like a normal person?" She sobbed out and at that, Haechan knew she was crying over him.

Guilt washed over him as he realized Jaemin was right. He really was hurting Yunhee badly.

Suddenly, her cries began to quiet down once again and he heard her mutter "Shit."

He was wondering why she cursed out of nowhere until he heard her begin to get up and make her way to the stairs.

Haechan didn't want to get caught being nosy so he immediately ran back to the bed and under the blankets, acting as if he was asleep the entire time.

Not too long after, Yunhee entered the room, her sniffles from her crying being the only thing heard.

She silently made her way to the bed and placed a kiss on Kyungsan's cheek before laying down and falling asleep right next to her son.

Haechan let out a silent sigh.

He was being a douche and he knew had to change that.

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
"Dude, did Jaemin get to him?"

"Maybe. You saw the way guilt was on his face when Jaemin told him and also again when Yunhee was crying?"

"Let's hope he stops this shitty act."

✓ b word - lee haechan/donghyuckNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ