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Haechan ended up dropping off Yunhee and Kyungsan at home. He knew Yunhee was now in a bad mood after the interaction with her parents and he wanted to give her time to make herself feel better. He would've taken Kyungsan as well but Yunhee didn't want to be alone thus, he let her take him and headed to the baby store by himself.

Yunhee sat on the floor of the living room, deep in thought while Kyungsan played with his toys, oblivious to how she felt.

He suddenly heard a sniffle and turned his head to face his mom who cried silently. It pained her to reminisce her moments from her childhood. It hurt like a bitch.

Kyungsan frowned and stood up, walking over to her and wrapped his baby arms around her.

"Don't cry, Mommy. Everything is okay." He comforted and Yunhee gave a sad smile in return. She didn't want her son to see her like that so she only nodded in return. She wanted him to believe everything is alright.

Kyungsan placed a kiss on his mom's cheek, something she did to him anytime he cried. It always made him feel better so he believed it would made her feel good too.

Thankfully, Yunhee simply let out a small laugh at his action and wrapped her arms around him, placing him in her lap.

She lightly kissed his forehead which he giggled at.

"Are you feeling better now?" Kyungsan asked and Yunhee nodded. Her response made the toddler smile and cheer at his new 'magical abilities'.

Just then, Haechan walked through the door with a few bags and a potty for their son.

"Daddy guess what!" Kyungsan exclaimed as he climbed out of Yunhee's lap and ran towards his dad with excited steps.

"What's up?" Haechan asked as he set the items down and stretched out his arms before leaning down to pick up Kyungsan.

"I have magical powers like Mommy." Kyungsan said with a toothy grin and Haechan raised his brows in surprise.

"What's the magical power?" Haechan asked, curious as to his sons imagination.

"I can make people feel better with a kiss!" Kyungsan replied happily and Haechan simply gave a satisfied look.

"Prove it to me then." Haechan said and at that, Kyungsan placed a small kiss on his cheek and Haechan's face brightened immediately, smiling at the boy.

"Wow you're so right!" Haechan said and Kyungsan giggled at his words.

"How'd you find this magical power?" Haechan asked and Kyungsan's smile faded a little but returned once again.

"Mommy was crying. She didn't want me to find out but I did. Then I gave her a kiss and she said she felt better." Kyungsan explained and pointed to his mother who still sat on the ground, face buried in her hands.

Haechan's face dropped a bit at her sight but quickly put a smile back on his face to not raise any suspicions for Kyungsan.

"Hey, why don't you go take a nap? It's been a long day." Haechan told Kyungsan who shrugged.

"I'm not tired." Kyungsan replied but a yawn quickly followed which showed he was lying.

"That yawn says otherwise." Haechan said and Kyungsan only gave a guilty smile.

"I guess I could take a nap." Kyungsan and Haechan smiled.

Kyungsan rested his head on Haechan's shoulder as Haechan carried him up the stairs. He placed a hand in front of Kyungsan's eyes as a way to prevent him from seeing his mother who was still clearly affected by the entire situation that happened earlier.

After Haechan placed the toddler down and made the same barrier for him to not fall off, he made his way downstairs where Yunhee still sat on the ground.

Haechan let out a small sigh at her sight. It really pained him to see her this down. No parent should ever make their own child feel less of themselves but that's exactly what Yunhee's parents did.

It was clear to him that Yunhee was one to take words directly to the heart. She was a sensitive soul who wanted the approval of other people. She needed validation that she was a good person or else she would blame herself and the guilt would eat her alive. That was why she was always quite depressed when Haechan blamed her and yelled at her. It hurt her and it felt belittling to her.

Haechan took strides over to Yunhee and kneeled down in front of her.

Yunhee lazily picked her head up and looked at him, eyes puffed and face flushed red. Her dark brown eyes glimmered from her cries. Haechan would always describe this look on her as a lost deer or a sad puppy. It was shocking how she managed to look gorgeous even when she cried.

As gorgeous as she looked, it was still a painful sight to Haechan. He hated how hurt she was. He hated the sight of her not being happy for it only reminded him of his own actions with her. It hurt like a bitch.

Haechan's arms extended outwards and a sad smile was put on his face.

Yunhee simply stared blankly at him before tears welled up in her eyes once again. She was in a vulnerable state and it made her beyond happy to see how understanding Haechan became. She was happy they were on good terms.

Without hesitation, Yunhee practically threw herself into Haechan's chest, arms wrapping tightly around his torso and face buried into his chest.

Haechan responded by returning the embrace, rubbing up and down to help console her.

Yunhee simply sniffled as she let out very small cries, incredibly weak from her silent sobs from earlier.

"It's okay. You don't have to worry about them anymore. You're an amazing person and none of their bullshit problems are your fault. You're amazing." Haechan comforted and Yunhee simply clenched on his shirt tightly, wanting to hold him as tightly as she could.

Haechan gently pulled her head away from his chest and placed his finger under her chin.

There he saw her pretty face once again and it broke his heart seeing her so vulnerable.

Instead of taking it as an advantage to kiss her lips, he simply placed a kiss on her forehead. It would be a dick move to ever kiss someone in one of their most vulnerable moments. Another factor would be timing. He felt it would be too fast as well.

Yunhee gave a small smile at his action and returned the action with a kiss on his cheek.

He had already made her feel better so quickly and she was beyond grateful. It delighted her that he no longer hated her and the two were bonding.

So there they sat on the living room floor, embracing each other and enjoying the warmth they felt.

Soulmate effect or not, they both knew they were now happy together.

i feel like this is going too fast.
is it????

also pls vote and comment!!

lots of love,
t <3

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