twenty three

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It had been a week after Yunhee and Haechan shared their first kiss as everything was going amazing.

Yunhee had never felt happier with the new acts of affection Haechan gave her.

He would randomly come out of nowhere and place a small peck on her lips. Every time they shared a kiss, it lasted too short for Yunhee's liking but she couldn't complain. At least she was able to kiss him.

Now, the two soulmates sat on the floor with their son, playing with a the toys that Haechan had bought for Kyungsan.

"Mommy, you get this one and Daddy gets this one." Kyungsan said as he handed the Brachiosaurus toy to his mom and the T-rex toy to his dad.

"I'll be the man. It'll be like Jurassic Park!" Kyungsan said with delight. Kyungsan had recently become obsessed with dinosaurs after watching the Jurassic Park film a few days ago and constantly wanted to play with dinosaur toys. Haechan fulfilled his wishes and bought them.

"Can I just eat your mom and call it a day?" Haechan said with a pout, wanting to convince his son.

"Nope!" Kyungsan said and began playing with his toys, Haechan and Yunhee following his orders for their dinosaurs.

However, their problem was that Haechan really could not play a good T-Rex.

"Daddy, you do know that a T-Rex can't reach that far with their arms, right?" Kyungsan asked and Haechan scoffed.

"Of course I know. But this right here is a special T-Rex who can do what he wants."

"Babe, no offense but you suck at being a T-rex, lemme try it." Yunhee said and tried to take the toy from Haechan who snatched it away.

"Fuck no." He said, completely disregarding the fact that his son was right there and at an impressionable stage in life.

"And I ask again, what does 'fuck' mean?" Kyungsan asked and at that, the two parents looked at each other and at their son with wide eyes.

"And I think this calls for a nap time!" Haechan exclaimed as he lifted the toddler into his arms, earning a barrel of complaints from the small boy.

"Don't ever say that word, okay? Let's just go to sleep and forget about it." Haechan said as he carried the boy up the stairs while Yunhee began picking up the toys, not wanting to step on them as they walked.

As Kyungsan complained about it still being afternoon and not being tired for his nap, Yunhee just smiled and sat downstairs. She had finished picking up the toys and did feel slightly bad for the boy but then again, it was part of his schedule.

Soon enough, Haechan put Kyungsan to sleep after singing him a lullaby and placed the boy on the bed so he could sleep comfortably. He then made his way back down the stairs to his soulmate.

"Did he fall asleep?" Yunhee asked Haechan as he took a seat right next to her on the couch.

"He sure did." He said which clearly surprised Yunhee.

"How?" She asked the boy, curiosity taking over her.

"Just needed to sing to him. I do have the voice of an angel." Haechan boasted which made Yunhee playfully roll her eyes.

"Sing me to sleep one day." She said as she gently put her head against the couch and turned to face him. Haechan smiled at her words and faced her, finding it quite adorable the way her cheek squished against the couch.

"Just tell me when and I will. Anything for you." He said which made Yunhee blush and a small smile crept on her lips. He was so sweet to her now and it was hard to believe that a mere few weeks, maybe a month or so, ago, he had hated her with every inch on his body.

Yunhee silently observed his features, taking in the gorgeous man's sight in front of her.

Noticing her state, Haechan let out a small laugh and motioned her over to him.

Confused, Yunhee scooted in a bit closer and Haechan simply gave a small eye roll before grabbing her leg and pulling it over his lap. This way, she was straddling his lap while facing him.

"Hyuck?" She questioned, wondering why he suddenly placed them in a position like that.

"What's going on in your mind?" Haechan asked as he rubbed up and down the small of her back, sending small tingles down her spine.

"Nothing. Just admiring your beauty." She said, knowing damn well she was boosting his already high ego but she didn't care. A playful smile made its way onto Haechan's lips at her words and he pulled her in closer.

"I am pretty beautiful, aren't I?" He asked and Yunhee gave a playful eye roll before nodding.

"One of the most gorgeous people alive." She said and Haechan smiled and placed a finger under her chin, pulling her in closer.

"But you're even more beautiful." He whispered against her lips and looked back into her eyes for approval which she gave a small nod at.

Haechan pressed his lips against hers and for the first time, he didn't pull away immediately after. Instead, his began moving against hers in slow motions which Yunhee reciprocated.

Yunhee felt the butterflies in her stomach and her heart beating like crazy. She placed her hand on his chest for support and confirmed her own thoughts that Haechan's heart was beating just as fast as hers.

Haechan's hand that was once under her chin suddenly traveled down to her thigh which was exposed because she was wearing spandex shorts. Haechan gave the thigh a soft squeeze as he tilted his head, deepening their kiss which was slowly becoming heated.

Yunhee gave a delighted exhale through her nose as they continued to make-out.

However, good things come to an end and unfortunately for them, it happened to be in such an annoying way.

As the two made-out on the couch, the front door suddenly bursted open, revealing their group of friends.

"Oh shit-"

"We interrupting something?"

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
"It's hilarious watching them barge in tje middle of make-out sessions." One said as he observed the group.

"Will this become a thing?" Another asked while everyone else shrugged.

"We'll see."


idk how do u guys feel about it-

um... please vote and comment (?)

okay im gonna go now. see y'all tomorrow for the next chapter

lots of love,
t <3

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