Chapter 11

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I heard the whispering again, when I walked passed the weaponary closet. I stopped for a moment, trying to listen.


A sudden flash hit my eyes with a sharp pain, the sound got louder. Repeating my name over and over. My hands gripped the sides of my head and I bent over, blinking rapidly.

Cyra...You know. You know..

"You know what?" It was Esteria's voice. I stopped blinking, everything was still a little hazy but I could see her shape.


"You said 'You know..You know..' What do I know?" She tilted her head, her emerald eyes studying my face. I rubbed my head.

"Oh, you know where the Dining Hall is?"

She still squinted at me. "Yep. Me, Margot, Mazu, and Avalon will be outside. Eat with us."

"Was that asking or was that a demand."

"I don't ask anyone for anything so yeah, demand idiot. Let's go." Esteria turned around, her long braided hair swinging behind her.


"I'm fine. Don't touch me." I swatted Malakai's hand away from my chest. He was too close for comfort.

"Jesus you are impossible. I am literally trying to clean that gash before it gets infected, not trying to be wierd so stop making it wierd." He dunked the cloth into the warm bowl of water again. His room was something you would expect a 23 year old guy to live in. Gray with a few anime posters, some nicknacks on the wall, a few swords, and a computer hidden away in the corner. Knox doesn't allow technology, but Malakai doesn't give a damn, Call Of Duty is superior to Knox's dictating.
When he pressed the cloth on my wound, I winced, gripping his wrist. He didn't fight it, even when my nails dug into his veins. The pain subsided, and he tossed the cloth into the sink of his bathroom.

"All done. Was that so hard?" He walked out, plopping down on the bed.

"I don't experience touch often enough to get used to it." I sat at his computer chair, spinning it around.

"Hey, are you still with Conan?"

I flinched, I forgot that he knew about me and Conan. Worst guy I could possibly link with but he's just as emotionless as I am. At one point in my life, everything was falling apart. My parents, my relationships, my friends. Everything was crumbling down, and all I could do was blankly stare. They never understood why I was the way I am, Why even give them the benefit of knowing? Knox took me here because for a moment, he understood. Since then, all my decision come out naturally crappy. Like dating a shadow.

"I don't do dating. My bottoms all are temporary. Nothing is permanent with me."

"Yikes. What number was Conan?"

"I lost track at 34. He's probablyh mid 50's."

Malakai let out a deep laugh, tossing a small ball up in the air. Something about him made me wanna spill my emotions. I would to be honest, but you can talk about something you don't even understand.

"What about you..Any females lurking around that you want." That was worded wierdly. Shi-

"Nah. The ones that lurk are the freaky ones. I prefer aggressively attractive."

Took me a second to realize that was me. He laughed though and played the I'm kidding pass. Smooth.

"Maybe Cyra. She seems interesting enough."

For some reason that was a let down response. Like I was expecting him to say someone else, saying Cyra felt wierd.

"Uh maybe. She seems into Knox though. Maybe though."

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