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*Third Person's POV*

Volterra was known as a quiet little town in Italy. Filled with ancient, historical artifacts that humans from all over the world would travel to see for themselves. To some people, they say 'it's a once in a lifetime opportunity'. But in actuality, it could be their last if they went on a certain tour at the Volterra Castle.

Unbeknown to the human world, the Volterra Castle happens to be a place where a deep, dark secret is hidden.

Deep in the heart of the Volterra Castle in Italy, in a throne room behind stone walls, lived three ancient powerful kings of the Volturi, a coven that ruled the Vampire World. Sitting in the middle was the long, raven hair main leader of the Volturi, Aro, who has the ability to read people's mind through touch. To his right, was Marcus, the long, brown hair leader that has the ability to see the bonds in people, including those that are in love, and the oldest out of the other two. To his left, was Caius, the shoulder-length blonde hair leader, who has no special gift, but still aggressive and powerful.

They ruled the Volturi for three thousand years. Following the laws of the Vampire World and feeding on human tourists to get their blood when it was time for their usual vampire feeding. But at the same time, they still felt lonely other than having Jane, Alec, Demetri, and Felix, who are part of the Volturi Guard, around. They still felt that they needed their true mate in their eternal lives. Even though all three of them already had wives in the past, none of them weren't their true mate. Their true mate is destined to them and only Marcus would know who it is once he senses it with his gift.


Aro, Marcus, and Caius were sitting in the throne room after going through a trial and execution with a vampire, who had broken a law in Volterra. It was the same as usual; doing nothing but sit in a boring silence of the throne room as it has always been that way for many centuries. But the silence was soon broken when Marcus exclaimed, softly, capturing the attention of his two brothers.

"What is it, dear Marcus?" Aro asked, curiously. Marcus turned to face the other two kings and responded, "I feel a certain bond, Aro. It appears that I can see our true mate." After he said that, Aro gasped, softly, Caius looked him, intrigued. "Our true mate you say, Marcus?" Aro asked, as he clasped his hands together, in delight. "To all three of us?" Caius questioned. "Yes, dear brothers." Marcus said, as he held his hand out to Aro, who took his hand into both of his hands and started reading Marcus' thoughts. Aro sighed, softly and happily, as he kept reading them.

Moments later, Aro released Marcus' hand and turned to Caius. "It would seem that Marcus is right, Caius. We have finally found our true mate." He said. "We have waited centuries to find our true mate. Where is she? Is she close?" Caius asked, sounding impatient. "Patience, brother. She is not yet close. I am beginning to see the mating bonds starting to form from all three of us. In due time, I could see that she will be here quite soon, where the mating pull will completely start once she is close to us." Marcus explained, as he could see thin lines of golden swirls over his and the other two kings' unbeating hearts, which was a sign of the mating bond beginning to form.

"And when—" Caius was about to ask when he was, suddenly, interrupted by the sound of the throne room door knocking. The doors opened, revealing their recently new Italian receptionist, Francesca, with jet black curly long hair and wore a maroon short dress. She carried a small silver tray and a piece of paper was on it. "Ah. Francesca has brought us something." Aro pointed out. Marcus only stared at her, uninterested, while Caius scowled at her for interrupting him. Then, she walked towards the three kings and held the tray out to Aro, who took the piece of paper. He looked down at the piece of paper, while Francesca looked at them, nervously.

After observing the letter for a second, Aro looked up at Francesca before slightly gesturing Demetri and Felix with his finger to have them come over. As quick as lightning, they each appeared on both sides of Francesca. "There comes a time when we do not like to be interrupted, Miss Francesca." Aro said, hissing her name at the end before he rose an eyebrow to signal Demetri and Felix, who immediately took Francesca's upper arms and dragged her out of the throne room. She screamed, in fright, as she yelled, in Italian, "No! No! Per favore! Non lo farò più! Prometto! Per favore!" But the kings ignored the young woman's desperate pleas before she was completely out of the throne room.

Aro sighed and said, nonchalantly, "Looks like we're gonna need a new receptionist." "It was her first day on the job and she failed miserably." Caius said, smirking, sinisterly. Marcus didn't say a word; all he did was listen to his brothers.

Caius cleared his throat before saying, "Now, then. Before I was so rudely interrupted, I'm curious to know what you mean about our mate being here quite soon, Marcus." "What I mean by that, Caius, is that our mate will soon arrive in Volterra, where we will finally meet her." Marcus explained. "And how soon will she be arriving, dear brother?" Aro asked, sounding excited. Marcus turned to Aro and Caius and answered, "Within a day or two."

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