Chapter 5

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*Ava's POV*

I groaned as I rubbed my eyes and woke up from my so-called quick dreamless rest. Once I was completely awake, I picked up my cell phone to see what time it was and it was fifteen minutes after eleven o'clock. I was shocked. I never slept in that late before in my life; I would usually wake up around eight or nine in the morning. Instead, I slept five hours longer. But then again, it had been a long, tiring trip ever since I woke up early in the morning to be ready for my flight and traveling to Italy in a different time zone. I probably needed that long rest anyway.

But, then, I quickly shot up out of bed when I realized something. The Volterra Castle tour. I completely forgot about it and it was starting in forty-five minutes. I felt like I couldn't go to it. Not because I wouldn't make there on time, but I wanted to freshen up and get something to eat since my stomach was starting to growl loudly since I haven't had much of an appetite from the plane trip; it wasn't the best food to eat anyway.

I got up out of bed, picked out my choice of outfit for the day and my toiletry supplies, and headed to the bathroom to take a shower. After I was cleaned, I wrapped the towel in my blonde hair, brushed my teeth, put my makeup on, and got dressed. Once I was freshened up, I picked up one of my bags that contained my art supplies, made sure I had everything that I needed, and I walked out of my hotel room. I looked down at my cell phone and it was five minutes till noon; I definitely wasn't gonna make it to the tour. I thought maybe I could go another day if there's any availability for a next time. I put that aside and proceeded to walk down the hotel hallway to find someplace to get something to eat and start the first day of my Volterra adventure.

*Third Person's POV*

The ancient clock chimed as it reached twelve o'clock in the afternoon; the time when the tourists are expecting a once in a lifetime opportunity of an exclusive free tour behind the stone walls of the Volterra Castle. But in actuality, they were a juicy treat for everyone that were waiting in the throne room for their feeding time. The three kings sat patiently on their throne chairs, not only waiting for their feeding, but they were anxiously expecting for their mate to arrive with all of the tourists after they have received news from Demetri and Felix that they have found her and made sure they have given her the brochure of the tour to lure her here to them.

"When will she be here? I cannot wait any longer. I need her in my arms." Caius said, sounding impatient. "Have patience, dear Caius. Our mate shall arrive soon. Heidi will arrive at any moment with our feast and we will make sure she will not be harmed." Marcus said. Aro turned to Marcus and asked, curiously, "Do you feel her getting closer, brother?" Marcus looked at the mating bonds and they were the same as they were earlier. He knew that the bond should've gotten stronger once their mate was more closer to them. Something was telling him that their mate wasn't here in the castle. He looked at Aro and simply answered, "We shall see."

The wooden doors opened and a beautiful female vampire with mahogany brown hair and in a bright red dress walked in, with a group of tourists of all ages behind her. With the tourists looking around, distracted on what's surrounding them, the three kings sat on the edge of their throne chairs, looking for their mate through the group. "Where is she? Marcus, do you see her?" Caius asked. Marcus searched all over and not once did he see the single golden thread that belonged to their mate connect with him and his two brothers, which indicated that mate wasn't present in the throne room.

"She is not here." Marcus said, sounding disappointed. When he said that, Aro and Caius quickly looked at him, shocked. "What?! What do you mean she is not here?" Caius snarled. Then, he, viciously, looked straight at where Demetri and Felix were standing in the throne room and within a second, he was directly right in front of them. "I thought you both had found her and gave her the brochure to bring her here!" Caius said, furiously, but too loud to attract the tourists attention as they were in a trance at the magnificent ancient artifacts and Heidi's beauty. Demetri and Felix were frightened by Caius' outrage, fearing that they were going to be executed for failure.

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