Chapter 3 {REDO}

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{A/N: I've decided to rewrite part of this chapter and the dream sequence after doing some thinking and it's been bothering me since it felt like it wasn't the best that I did on my writing and it wasn't what I had in mind of what was gonna be in the chapter. So, here's my redo version of this chapter.}


*Ava's POV*

"Ava. Ava, it's time to get up. You're gonna miss your flight if you don't wake up." I heard my father's voice and felt him shaking my shoulder. I groaned and stirred awake as I opened my eyes and sat up in my bed, trying to wake up more. I rubbed my eyes and got out of bed and headed to the bathroom. I took a washcloth, ran it under some warm water, and rubbed my face with it. After I was done, I stared at myself in the mirror, thinking about the dream that I had during the night.

'What is happening to me? Why am I getting these strange feelings in my heart? And who were those voices that I heard in my dream that's causing my heartstrings to tug even more?' I thought to myself, as I took my toothbrush and brushed my teeth. After that, I walked out of the bathroom and got dressed with the clothes I had set out. I wore one of my favorite t-shirts, black knee-length exercise leggings, black and white tennis shoes, and a light dark gray jacket. Afterwards, I gathered all of my stuff, making sure I had everything, including the important items. Then, I walked out of my bedroom, and headed downstairs to meet my father, who was standing by the front door, waiting for me.

"You got everything, Ava?" He asked. I nodded and said, "Everything that I need for my trip is all here, dad." "Even your phone, charger, passport, and ticket?" He added. "Even the ones I have with me in my purse, dad." You responded. "Alright, then. Let's head on out before we get caught in traffic." My father said, as he helped pick up my suitcase and walk out the front door. "It's close to five in the morning. I don't think there's traffic so early in the morning." I said, and my father chuckled.

As my father was driving down the road to the airport, I did nothing but stare at the dawn sky, thinking about that dream I had with those three mysterious voices that were around me. They didn't sound haunting or threatening. Instead, they sounded so calming, enchanting, and relaxing. I may not have seen their presence within my dream, but for some odd reason, I felt safe around these voices, which would probably explain why that fluttering feeling in my heart was getting more intense, in a good way. All I wanted to do was to find out who these voices were and why they're calling to me.

"Everything alright, Ava?" My thoughts were interrupted when I heard my father talking to me. I turned to face him and said, "Yeah. Everything's alright, dad. I'm just...a little tired. That's all." "Well, don't fall asleep, kiddo. We're almost at the airport." My father said, and, then, I nodded at him before I turned back to the window and stared at the dawn sky, continuing to think about the voices in my dream.

Fifteen minutes later, we finally made it to the airport. My father pulled up towards a parking spot in front of the entrance and parked there before we got out of the car to get my stuff out of car. Once I got my suitcase and a couple of bags I had other stuff in them, including one bag that contained my art supplies, I looked at my dad. "Are you sure you're gonna be okay going to a different country by yourself, Ava?" He asked. "Of course I'm gonna be okay, dad. I don't know why, but I know in my heart that I'm gonna be safe there." You said. "Well, if you need anything or feel lonely there, you can always come home early and we'll get started on your summer classes much early." My father said, with me tensing inside when he said that last sentence.

"Don't worry, dad. I'll be fine and I'm gonna have a good time in Italy." I said. He nodded and, then, he wrapped his arms me and embraced me in a tight, but gentle hug. I wrap my arms around him and hugged him back. "I have confidence in you and I know you'll have a good time on your own. I love you so much." My father said. "I love you too, dad. I'll miss you." I said. Then, we both pulled away from the hug. "Well, you should probably head in and check in through security and wait for you flight. Text me when you arrive in Italy, okay?" "I will do that. I'll see you soon, dad." I said, as I gathered up all of my stuff and waved goodbye to my father before I headed inside the airport entrance.


After checking in, going through security, and an hour of waiting for my flight time, I was finally on the plane, excited to arrive in Italy within fourteen hours during the flight. It was still nerve racking to go to a different country by myself , but I wanted to have adventure in life before I have to deal with the life that my father wants for me that I don't want. Perhaps the tugging feeling on my heart is probably a way to lead me to my real destination where I can live the life that I actually want. I still don't know what it is, but I know, for some reason, that it's waiting for me.

Once the plane had taken off into the sky and it was set on course for the fourteen hour flight, I looked out the window for a while, enjoying the beautiful view of the view that was down below, before I settled down and did whatever I could to entertain myself without feeling bored within the next fourteen hours. I drew some still life roses in my sketch book from what I saw from my dream, watched a movie on my portable DVD player, read a little bit of A Midsummer Night's Dream, and took the time to learn a few simple Italian words on my phone.

After a while, I was beginning to feel tired, mainly because it was from waking up early in the morning. I pulled the screen over the window to block the sunlight from keeping me awaken and, then, I pulled out my blanket and put it over my lap. I leaned back, with my arms crossed, and relaxed as I was beginning to doze off into sleep. A couple minutes later, I shut my eyes completely and drifted off into sleep.


I was walking through what appeared to be a dimmed library, in a knee length, off the shoulder maroon colored dress, with black heels and my blonde hair all curled up this time. But it felt like it was no ordinary library that you might see at your own local public library. This one seemed ancient as if it had been here for centuries and you don't really see libraries with stone walls surrounding it. I breathed in the smell of old books, which is something that I honestly like, as I was fascinated to see so many of these ancient books all around the library, while I heard the sound of my heels clicking on the stone floor at the same time.

As I was heading towards the lounge area, where there were three red velvet colored couches and two red velvet colored chairs, a coffee table, and a fireplace with a warm fire glowing onto my skin, I noticed something that was on the coffee table. Three long stem crimson red roses all tied together in a black ribbon. I walked over to the coffee table, picked up the small bouquet, and looked down at what was on the black ribbon. I stretched out part of the ribbon and noticed some writing on it. There were Italian words, 'Mio Amore', in big white cursive print and in small print, there were three capitalized letter initials underneath the Italian words, 'A, M, C'. I was beginning to feel confused on what they meant.

But, then, I set my confusion aside as I breathed in the scent of the roses, with my eyes closed. For some odd reason, all three of the roses had different scents in them. But it didn't bother me at all; I just kept breathing in the three different scents, deeply, and held the roses, gently, against my chest as if I wanted to be closer to whoever these scents belonged to more than ever.

"Che sbalorditivo (How stunning)." I opened my eyes, slowly, as I heard the soft feathery voice from before speak out of nowhere. I looked all around the library, but there was no one around. "Assolutamente radiante (Absolutely radiant)." I heard the deep gentle voice say and I still couldn't see anyone around me. "Delicato come una rosa (As delicate as a rose)." I heard the third voice say and I, once again, didn't see anyone near me. "Ti amiamo, il nostro bellissimo amico (We love you, our beautiful mate)." All three of the voices said at the same time, as it sounded like they were very close to my ear, which made my heart flutter like crazy and it made me moan, softly , with my eyes closed, while everything surrounding me faded into black.

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