Chapter 4

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*Ava's POV*

"Attention, passengers, we will be arriving in Florence in about five minutes. Please remain seated with your seatbelts securely fastened until the aircraft comes to a complete stop at the terminal gate. We'd like to thank you folks for flying with us today and we hope that you enjoy your time in Florence, Italy. Again, please remain seated with seatbelts securely fastened and thank you again for flying with us."

I woke up after hearing the flight attendant announce over the intercom. I rubbed my eyes and stretched my arms out a bit before I looked down at the time on my phone and saw it was around four-thirty in the morning. I buckled my seatbelt and fastened it. While they were making the same announcement in Italian, I opened the screen on my window to take a peek at the view of Florence, Italy at the break of dawn from above. I was so excited that I couldn't believe that I was actually here in Italy; in a different country for the first time in my life. I couldn't wait to get off the plane and head to Volterra soon.

After I looked away from the window, I started thinking about the dream I had before I woke up. It was way different than what I had dreamt previously. I felt like I was getting closer to where these three mysterious voices were coming from. Hearing them talk closely into my ear felt like reality and it made me feel even more closer to them than ever. But now that I have woken up from my dream, it seemed like it was torture to me because I didn't want to leave my dream, even though I didn't see anyone surrounding me that belonged to those three voices, which made me feel even more bummed since I was anxiously curious to know who they were.

I took a deep breath and, mentally, calmed myself down as I wasn't gonna let one dream ruin my vacation before I have to spend the rest of my summer taking boring early summer classes for Stanford. I stared out the window once again, with a smile on my face, and watched the plane lowering itself down to the ground as it was preparing to land.

Once the plane had landed and parked in the terminal gate, everyone and myself got up from our seats to gather our belongings before we all walked out of the plane. When I was finally inside the Florence airport, I pulled out my cell phone and texted my father to notify him that I made to it to Italy as I had promised him. Then, I headed off to look for the baggage claim. It took me a while to find the baggage claim as there were a couple of signs that were only in Italian until I saw it in plain sight as there were people collecting their luggage. After I found my suitcase, I started walking through the airplane to search for someplace to purchase a bus ticket to get to Volterra.

I had found the information desk and had asked the man, who was thankfully fluent in English, for a ticket to Volterra. He had mentioned to me that the bus was directly outside of the exit doors and was leaving within five minutes. Talk about perfect timing. After I had purchased the bus ticket, I thanked him before I quickly gathered my belongings and headed towards the exit to catch the bus.

When I got to the bus that was heading to Volterra, I gave the bus driver my ticket, he hole-punched it, and hand it back to me. I asked him how long it will take to get to Volterra and he answered that it was gonna be an hour and a half ride. Afterwards, I walked down the aisle until I found an empty seat, set my stuff down on the other empty seat next to me, and, then, I sat down while I waited for the bus to take off.

A couple minutes later, the bus driver turned on the engine and started driving away from the airport. 'Oh, my gosh. I'm so excited to get to Volterra.' I, mentally, spoke to myself. I leaned against the window as I was still tired from being jet lagged, but I didn't feel like going back to sleep as I was over the mood excited to be here in Italy and enjoy looking at the view during the hour and a half ride to Volterra. I took out my headphones, hooked them up to my cell phone, and played a random soundtrack while I relaxed against my seat and watched out the window.

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