The Shelter

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Author's note: Thanks to everyone who is reading. Pleasekeep commenting and voting. Hope you enjoy :)


Brodhi heard someone pound on his front door. His heart raced, the only people that knock like that are Todd or an Officer. It was only two days ago when the Officers came to give everyone a file. The kids were lying asleep on the floor and he was nervous that the knocking would wake them up.

            He opened the door to see Todd leaning against the doorframe.

            “I’m here to give you a Daddy party,” he informed him.

            “A what?” Brodhi asked knitting his eyebrows together.

            “A Daddy party. I’m aware I ain’t going be able to hang out with you after your kid is born, hell I can’t even hang out with you now. So we’re going to the Shelter today.”

            “I can’t go now.”

            Todd rolled his eyes at him.

            “Yes you can. Your Mom is home and I’m pretty sure Lynn can survive a couple of hours without you.”

            Brodhi let out a deep breath and ran his hand across his short hair. He missed spending time with Todd lately, and he knew Todd was right. He wasn’t going to be able to go to the Shelter after Lynn gives birth. Jasper said he wasn’t going to be gone for long, so a couple of hours couldn’t hurt.

            “Fine,” he agreed. “I just have to tell Lynn.”

            “I’ll wait. If you’re not out here in ten minutes I’ll plan your escape.”

            Brodhi closed the door on Todd and headed towards the kitchen. Lynn was sitting on one of the table’s chairs with her feet up on another one. The kids were still lying on the floor asleep. Lynn rubbed her stomach as she watched them from the kitchen. Brodhi put his elbows down on the table and leaned in towards her.

            “I’ve gotta go for a couple hours,” he whispered.

            “Why?” she whispered back.

            “I’m helpin’ Todd with something.”

            When Brodhi said Todd’s name her eyes grew big.

            “No,” she said shaking her head.

            “It’s just pawning a few pieces. He can’t go there too often without Brighties getting suspicious.”

            “I don’t want you to get arrested.”

            “There’s nothing illegal about pawning.”

            “There is when Todd stole it.”

            He ran his hand down his face. Lying to Lynn was proving to be more difficult then he thought, but it was still easier than telling her he was going to the Shelter.

            “He’s giving me a cut of the profit,” he told her.

            He gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and started walking away before she could protest.

            “Brodhi,” he heard her say in a harsh whisper.

            He turned around and put one finger up to his lips.

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