Files And Officers

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Author's Note: Thanks for reading. Please, please, please comment and vote. I would love to know your thoughts.


The wind got knocked out of Shai as three kids ran into her. She always tried to avoid going to Jasper’s house because she hated the kids that consistently grabbed and clawed at her. But after Jasper scared his mom and Brodhi when he didn’t come home after the derby, he didn’t want to leave the house for too long.

She stared down at the three girls who had their arms wrapped around her legs. She held up her hands, resisting the urge to push them away. A girl with short blonde hair looked up at her and smiled to reveal she was missing her two front teeth.

“Come play with us, Shea,” she said.

“It’s Shai,” Jasper said coming down the stairs that led upstairs. “Like if you are shy about something.”

The girls let go of Shai and ran towards Japer. He knelt down as the blonde girl jumped on his back and wrapped her arms around his neck, and the two other girls grabbed his legs. Jasper straightened his back and walked towards Shai. He walked slow and awkwardly as he dragged the girls with him. Shai couldn’t stop from laughing.

“I swear you’re even worse than Lynn with kids,” he told her.

“Don’t live in a daycare like you,” she said.

Darla came into the kitchen from outside. Her grey hair was tied up on the top of her head.

“Can I send you and Shai out to the Market to go get water?” she asked Jasper.

“Sure,” he said.

Shai let out a deep breath, happy to get out of the house full of children.

“I wanta go too!” the girl screamed.

Jasper’s eyes went big and he shook his head.

“Thanks for makin’ me go deaf, Penny,” he said. “And no. You stay here.”

She started to whine and Jasper put her down on the ground. The two other girls got off his legs and they all ran back outside.

Darla reached into her pocket and pulled out some money. Jasper ignored her, said goodbye, and started walking away. Shai followed behind him. When they got out into the hot air, Jasper threw his arm over her shoulders.

“How long do you think we can stay out for?” Jasper asked her.

“Without Brodhi panickin’? Not for long,” she answered. She looked up at Jasper and grinned. “How much do you think we can steal while we’re at the Market?”

“I’m thinkin’ you might be a kleptomaniac.”

“Wow, big word. What does it mean?”

“Heard some Officer say it once. Said it meant people who were addicted to stealing.”

Shai rolled her eyes at him. If she paid for everything she needed she would have starved many years ago. Every Rat did it, even Jasper, so she hated it when he singled her out on it.

“Thought ya didn’t steal from the Market unless you looked like a Brighty anyways,” he said. Shai looked down at her clothes and remember how every Officer will being staring at her. She wasn’t going to risk being caught.

“Forgot about that,” she mumbled.

“Is this pretending to be a Brighty starting to go to your head?” he asked wryly, ruffling her hair with his hand. She laughed and pushed him away.

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