Todd's Arrest

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Author's Note: Sorry I don't update often!


Shai couldn't wait to show Jasper the ring that Riley had given her, but she didn't want to carry it around with her in the Slums. She knew the longer Jessica stayed in Pangella the harder it would be for her to leave, so Shai lied in bed trying to come up with a story.

It was obvious that she would just have to say that Jessica had to go back home to Wickerford early. But why? She could say her mother or father was sick back home, but Brighties always went to the hospital and came home a couple days later, there was no need for her to return to Wickerford just for that. She could say her brother was getting married, but she wasn't sure if she already said whether or not he was. A birth would work better. All Brighties got together when someone had a baby in their family, unlike in the Slums where everyone felt bad for the parents.

She knew for a while after Jessica left that Shai wouldn't be able to disguise as a Brighty near his booth anytime soon. Nevertheless, Jessica was going to have to leave Bright and telling him she was leaving was easier than just disappearing. He'd surely start to search for her and try to talk to her grandparents who don't exist.

Shai had made her mind. She was going to see Riley tomorrow and tell him that she was going back home. She rolled over and quickly fell asleep.

Eliza's bed stayed empty for days and that shocked Ren. Normally as soon as one of the Rats died another was already there to fill their bed. She remembered when she first came to the farm and there were too many people and not enough beds, making her sleep on the ground without even a blanket.

Ren was digging into the mysterious dark meat with her fingers. She had never questioned what the food really was; she only questioned why they wouldn't give them more. Many Rats, especially children, have died because of famine.

Eve had the bed next to Ren. Two more girls, Bristol and Jana, sat next to her on top of Eve's bed. They all had their bowls in their hands and were eating greedily from them. Most of the Rats would form in clumps and talk during their meals, but Ren rarely did. She was sitting on her bed with her legs stretched out in front of her. She tried listening in on Eve and the other girls' conversation.

"I heard Mr Brenner say somethin' about apple season comin' up as he was eatin' dinner tonight," Jana shared with them. Jana spoke with a bit of an odd accent and Ren never found out exactly where she came from, just some place down south. Most Rats didn't pronounce the "g" at the end of most words, but Ren was pretty sure she had never heard Jana pronounce it.

"'Bout time," Eve said right before shoving a clump of meat into her mouth. "I like the smell. The Brenner's turn everything into apple flavour."

"Sauce, pie, juice and cider. I just like sneakin' a taste. Better than this stuff," Jana told them.

"At least you get to be in the house," Bristol muttered. "I have to pick all those apples and my back still hurts."

Ren had lost count of how many days had gone by since Bristol had been whipped. But she knew that her skin didn't have enough time to mend together yet. Ren's back was criss-crossed with her own scars from being whipped. She had been able to go months without being punished.

"They'll let you in the house soon," Eve said trying to cheer up her. Bristol just returned it with a slight smile.

It upset Ren when her bowl was empty. She was still hungry like always. She got up off her bed and returned the bowl to the cart where the Rat girls distributed it. It would be their job to scrub them clean tomorrow.

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