Chapter 27 Conquest of Norska

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 While Khorne and Nigun are looking for settlements of Kaala Sooraj, Cocytus has made a basic base of operations and has enslaved few tribes. Having now not only thousand of his Ice Guardians and few packs of his Ice Dogs but also an army of slaves that were broken, their tribal tradition crushed and forgotten and few other tribes that willingly joined Cocytus, they joined him because of his strengths, and only that as strength is the only things that matters in Norsca. 

 Cocytus wants to enslave all of Norska, and then using drakkars, sail down to the main continent where they will join Empire's main army while holding reign over Norsca and it's valuable resources and manpower. But there are two main problems on his way to fulfill this plan. There are two main warlords in Norska, as long as they are alive, Norse men will never bow to Cocytus. 

 First is Wulfrick the Wanderer, a powerful warrior that kills any anyone who challenges him. His prowess in known through all of Norsca and in order to control norse men, Cocytus needs to kill him. He controls all of the coast and some tribes that venture deeper into the continent. 

 Seconds is Throgg the Troll King, the strongest and most intelligent troll of Norsca, he and his troll tribe live in Norscan mountains and deep in the continent. If Cocytus want to use full potential of this continent's resources, he needs to control mountains and trolls who will extract them.

 Right now, Cocytus is planing his next move in his base. The Frost Citadel, fortress made out of ice, stone, metal and bodies of slaves. Even though it looks finished, it's still in construction as slaves are still building it, adding more and more fortifications and hanging down flags of The Sith Empire. Frost Citadel was build in the tribe of Varg. The most fierce and wild of the tribes, feared across Norsca. It's also place where the Great Dock is being build, a dock from where the Great Fleet will sail once Norsca is under the Empire's boot. But it isn't the only thing that sails out of it. Whalers, back bone of Norscans food economy, sail out hunting those giant creatures but Cocytus has others plan for them and ordered to capture whales and tame them.

 Cocytus is looking at a map of Norsca that was drawn y natives, it's not fully accurate but all maps in New World aren't either. Map rests on a big table, hold in place by blocks of ice that prevent it from moving. Diederick Kastner, a leader of tribe that submitted to Cocytus, entered the room. He is wearing heavy iron armor, while wielding a greatsword and a shield.

"My lord, warriors are ready to march out. I had prepared every worrior available."

Cocytus glanced at him and released some of his breath, a cold mist that even norscans shudder on. 

"Good. It's time that Wulfrick dies."

Cocytus walked past Diederick, walking out of the room and headed to the exit from the citadel. Diederick followed him with Ice Guardians our of it. When Cocytus left the Citadel he saw a hordes of Norse Warriors waiting for battle. Cocytus huffed and his voice boomed through the area.

"Warriors of Varg! Today you will be remembered in history as those who will bring down Wulfruck the Wanderer! And then you will bring down Throgg! Tyrant of mountains and self proclaimed King of Trolls! After his death, his creatures will serve you and you with their help will rein chaos to the southerners! You will sail down south and conquer in the name of Khorne!"

Shouts filled the area as warriors began to chant the name of Khorne. The god that Cocytus force them to worship after he broke their spirits and showed them an extent of Khorne's power.

"After doing that, Khorne will bless you with his power! You will be stronger! Faster! More powerful then ever and you will be no more a tribe of Varg! But soldiers of Chaos that server the great Sith Empire!"

Cocytus satisfied with the response of his warriors nodded to Diedrick. He nodded back and sat on his horse, the only animal not native to the continent. 

"March out!"

Diedrick shouted.

"We will conquer whole of Norsca and after that, seas will be ours!"

Lead by Diedrick army left the settlement, leaving their home in capable hand of norscan women. This army will conquer and enslave tribes on it's way with intent of finding Wulfrick and killing him. 

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