Chapter 13 Assassin and Necromancer

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{E-Rantel's Graveyard}

 The cemetery was surrounded on all sides by walls, preventing undead from getting out of it and attacking the city. The only known entrance to the cemetery was the gate that was guarded all day by infantry squad from the city garrison. Two soldiers guarded the gates as the rest of their squad were on the wall. 

Guard 1: Another quiet night.

Guard 2: We haven't fought the Empire lately, and hasn't the number of undead decreased? Hmm? What's that sound? 

Guard 1: Hey, don't try to scare me like that.  

Guard 2: Quiet! I heard something! 

Guard 1: It's just your imagination. 

While the guards were talking, another one on the wall pointed behind the it and shouted, drawing attention to himself.

Guard 3: Hey, look over there!

Captain: That's...

On the other side of the wall, a huge horde of undead gathered in the cemetery and slowly approached the gate. The sight and sound of these skeletons, bones rubbing against other bones, gave the shivers to each of the guards.

Guard 2: An army of undead?!

Captain: And there's more than just a hundred or two! About a thousand?! 

The captain was horrified by the situation he was in, but he stifled his fear and he draw his sword ready for battle.

Captain: Notify the soldiers at the station! We have to keep them back until help arrives!

In the meantime, the undead reached the gate and began to pry it by punching it. Those undead who didn't go to the gate began to gather under the wall creating stairs that allowed others undead to slowly climb them. Those who almost got on the walls were thrown down with a spear by guards. However, despite their efforts, the skeletons eventually got on the walls forcing them to retreat. When they came down from the walls, they saw beast approaching them and a man riding on it.

Captain: An adventurer?! "looks closer" But... a copper plate is useless. You guys need to get away from here immediately. 

Toyohisa completely ignored the captain and looked behind them. He jumped down from Trico and approached them. When he was next to them, he put his hand on the hilt of his sword and with a calm face motioned toward the walls.

Toyohisa: Look behind you. 

The guards look behind them and fear pierced them. A huge golem of bone and rusted pieces of armor climbed the wall. As each of them watched the golem with fear in his eyes, Toyohisa quickly draw his blade out of the sheath, a black flames were sticking on the blade which later Toyohisa sent towards the golem with a slash. When black flames touched golem's head, they started to spread across his body changing bones to dust. Captain looked with an amazement at Toyohisa.

Captain: Just who are you?

Once again Toyohisa ignored him and sheathed his sword back while approaching the gate. When he was at the gates he shouted towards Captain.

Toyohisa: Open the gates!

Captain: Don't be stupid! There's an army of undead on the other side! 

Toyohisa: "bored look" So? I don't see a problem in that. "sigh" But, If you don't want to open the gates, it can't be helped. 

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