Chapter 33

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A/n: NOT EDITED. Ugh i really wish this story didn't lose formatting that I had in words. Any readers in the North East U.S.?? Or the South? Gotta love single digit temps... right? lol How are you guys battling the weather out there? Schools are open where I'm at today, yesterday it felt like -16 and today it feels like -13. So yeah... -13 is soooo much warmer than -16. Stay warm.

anyways, enjoy :)

Chapter 33 – Rainy POV

This was supposed to be a safe place, ‘I’m going to be away for a while sis, but I want you and the kids to go with someone. She’s going into hiding with her mate – Gabriel.’ Logan had said to Chris and I. ‘You want us to leave? Because we’re causing trouble?’ I asked immediately but he had assured me that wasn’t why. ‘It’ll be safer than living with me gone Rainy,’ I had nodded. I didn’t want to constantly move my children around when what they needed was stability but they needed to be safe. If Logan thought it would have been safer somewhere else when he wasn’t going to be home, then I would go. After hearing the details it didn’t seem so bad, especially when all our doctors and therapists would be coming with us, the kids would have everything they needed and be safe.

We hadn’t really met Chelsea, but Logan told me how we were related, who she was and what was going on, keeping no secrets. We had just gotten Quinn and Fiona back with us, have as many good moments as bad but still going one day at a time. This – this monster wasn’t supposed to be here, he didn’t deserve safety after all the horrible things he had done to me, to my children. He couldn’t be here – but when Chelsea wanted to kill him, I couldn’t let her. I don’t think anyone understood, I wanted him away from anyone he could ever think of hurting… but I wanted him to tell his family who he truly was. When I was hidden away I felt so small, useless and numb, I couldn’t be that way on the outside.

Killing him, without him admitting who he was, and what he did when we were in the shadows I felt like I would be the one walking with his demons. I wanted his darkness paraded for all his loved ones to see, it wasn’t fair for me to be the one walking around with all the guilt and shame I felt inside. It just wasn’t fair. He didn’t get to leave this earth with respect or adoration.

My throat was dry, and while I’m sure others were speaking around me, all I could hear was the blood rushing in my head, my feet concrete blocks. My hands shook, and with a ball of unease in the pit of my stomach I squeezed Chris hand, the young woman in front of me shook her head in denial, “You don’t remember that phone call?” I asked bitterly the refusal to accept a slap to the face, “How about you,” I switched my gaze to the woman who before now I had only heard her voice, “you called your husband when your son went out on his first date with a girl named Heather, you said that her family didn’t come from a good pedigree,” burning and turning inside, I didn’t let it show. “I had lost track of how old I was by then, I had other things to worry about then… when you said pedigree I thought you meant he was a werewolf too…”

Like her daughter, she just stared me down, nothing, stilling crying, weeping for her ‘good’ man, I turned back to Hope, then I gazed at her daughter and the man holding her, he eyed me still fighting to hold his daughter, “I don’t know when you got married, but by that time I had a daughter Kayla, two days before your wedding, you called him, told him not to forget to bring the Brazilian chocolate – they were Hopes favorite, he – he said ‘Andre oh that totally slipped my mind and I’m just about to board-” Mother and daughter didn’t believe me, but this man, I could see it in his eyes.

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