mini rant.

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So I'm only going to post this one more time.

I'm uber thankful for every reader and commenter, but seriously if you're still complaining about only wanting to read this story because of Oakley and Kieran and whatnot, sending me private messages about that or posting on this story or on my writers board?  You might as well move on to another book.

I mean seriously people the description says:

Un·bro·ken - Not broken, fractured, or damaged. Not interrupted or disturbed; continuous. Not surpassed, unbeaten, undefeated; supreme.
Too bad our enemies underestimated us...

In the prologue:

I know many are probably confused, HOWEVER, you'll come to understand soon enough...

for those that click on this first, you need to read:

1. Unexpected (book 1)

2. Unconditional (book 2)

2b. His Forgotten Mate

3. Unbroken (is book three)

then there is a note AS a chapter!

for those that click on this first, you need to read:

1. Unexpected (book 1)

2. Unconditional (book 2)

2b. His Forgotten Mate

3. Unbroken (is book three)

I'm not sure how confused you may or may not be if you haven't read them but everyone that isn't Oakley, Ben, Grant, Pat, Sarah... etc... are from the BOOKS BEFORE THIS ONE.

on my PROFILE:


Many ask the order in which they all go so I'm just putting it in here so maybe
I won't get that question much.

1. Unexpected (BOOK#1)

2. Unconditional (BOOK#2)

3. Unbroken (BOOK#3)

A. His Forgotten Mate

His Forgotten Mate isn't a spinoffs they are the stories of Characters
I don't want to go into much detail in book three of the UNEXPECTED SERIES :)

In the cast section Oakley/Ben Lawson are at the bottom... yet after alllll those signs, all those things telling you that this is a series I still get messages about how I'm using Chelsea/Gabriel to get readers. Or I should be moving on to new characters. Or that the only people you want to read about is Oakley and Kieran. I mean seriously agian, even from the title and description, what enemies do you think Oakley has? THE ONLY reason she is in this book is because CHELSEA IS HER SISTER!

It's insulting considering I'm on chapter 30+ and you have made it this far and you're still private
messaging me or posting on my wall, or commenting on the story that you only care for Oak and Kieran.

I'M NOT GOING TO CHANGE MY STORY TO PLEASE YOU, I have this whole series planned out which is how I update so often. I know where my characters are going, so readers don't have to wait weeks on end to read the whole story. It's chapter 33 already and you're still holding out hope that I'm going to change it to just be about Oakley? No.

SOMEONE ASKED IF I WANTED MORE VOTES/READERS/COMMENTS? Sure who doesn't but I'm not interested in getting that by changing my story to please readers. There are so many stories on here... if this one isn't for you, find another. Mine isn't even the best in my own humble opinion but it is MINE.

And before anyone thinks I'm just pissed because I got a negative comment - LOL. No... I'm not, my writing isn't perfect, it HAS mistakes, I know that. Not everyone is going to like it. I know that too. But I just don't have to put up with people who don't like something I'm writing, but continue to read it, only to put it down because they aren't getting what they want or like. Why do you bother? Find a story where you like what it is about... or better yet write a book of your own so that you write about what you would want to read about.

That being said, to all of you that didn't go back and read book #1 and #2 and understand the story, thanks for not still commenting about that at this point, as long as you aren't confused too much I'm happy you're reading ANYTHING I write lol. To the few that did go back and read the first two (three if you count HFM) thanks. I was told that no one has time to go back and read two books just so they can read this one, it's good to know that there are people out in the world that understand the term series. I also understand that you might just not like reading series, there are some I won't touch either, but I don't go and comment to the author that I'm not reading his or her series. I find a book I do want to read lol.

LASTLY, thank you to ALL the readers I've had since the get go. I try to answer questions but THANK YOU SO MUCH for answering questions when other readers get confused. It is so helpful that you guys do that, so thank you.

the end.

I'm going to go make some hot cocoa and work on the next chapter coming up.

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