Chapter 45

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a/n: NOT EDITED. I hate this new wattpad thing to read when using a browser!! Ugh! I'm seriously contemplating moving my stories elsewhere...

Chapter 45 – Oakley POV

        After leaving Kieran to sleep, uncle Grant and I went back home, just as Ben was leaving with a large box that was probably heavier than him. Instead of heading inside right away we went to sit on the back deck near the pool and silently I was still bursting with happiness.

        Kieran was my mate.

        My own Gabriel.

        My own Aunt Julia.

        Though I was happy a large part of me was so torn up about Kieran and his parents. After having time to settle down I felt like his mom was behaving like my father… only it was at the other end of the pole. The area where she was fighting but only when she saw she should fight… when it was nearing to be too late and instead of making her own path with him, mending those broken bridges she wanted to piggy back on my efforts. To come in when he was open to the idea of touching someone, and letting them touch him, and demanding that he trust her.



        Left behind.

        Shattered and drowning.

        I frowned despite my still slight good mood. “Hey Bee, what’s going on in that mind of yours?” Uncle Grant asked nonchalantly. Sighing heavily I shrug one shoulder, “thinking about daddy and Sarah, and everything,” he nodded.

        Never pushing, just waiting. My uncle never demanded answers from me; he always gave me time to find my words. He knew I had them in me, ‘you have all the words Bee, you just need to take time and think everything over…’

        But right now… the only thing I could think was that I wished Kieran’s family knew what to do – to say to show him the support he probably wanted.

        I wished that my dad would’ve treated me better, nicer… I know that I was a reminder for him, and that he thought mom left, but even if she had, I wish I wasn’t the one that had to pay for it. I didn’t want to be selfish but I wish I knew for sure that if my dad had to pick between Amelia and I, that he would choose me. I was only thirteen but I don’t think we’d ever be able to fix the gap that was there and that’s why I wish Kieran’s parents wouldn’t treat him the way that they did. Especially when I had Uncle Grant and aunt Julia, it was okay – or it felt like it would be okay that dad didn’t love me enough.

        Kieran didn’t have that. Extra set of family members that would support him so he didn’t feel like a burden, a spot on the wall that everyone is gunning to paint over.

        I had long given up on having even the slightest relationship with daddy, especially when I found out that they were going to have a new baby.

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