Chapter 15

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A/n: Not Edited.

Chapter 15 – Russell Davis POV

I sat alone, Thayer leaving me to my thoughts because as of now there wasn’t much sound here, a small cry from the next room not wanting that to disrupt the peacefulness of the others I creep into Angel’s room lifting my crying son, his dark blue eyes wide in the slight darkness.

“Hey my boy,” I coo, closing the door behind me, and actually here his stomach making gurgling noises, much to loud for someone his side, but not having that much experience maybe it’s normal, “hungry?” I ask not that I was expecting an answer. He wasn’t more than a few months old but was sturdy, plumb… the babies were growing healthy, and Angel was always mothering them. I’m not sure why it surprised me, I knew she’d love them, but it was the care and adoration she had for each child that took me by surprise. I thought she’d get frustrated or bothered because babies were hard work, but she seemed to enjoy everything, baths’ feeding, baby talk… napping with them, everything.

Angel did everything with a sweet smile, soft careful hands, she laughed and giggled when they did something she found cute. Mom said that I shouldn’t be surprised that Angel’s the type of mom that she was, there could be two reasons. Despite probably never experiencing that with her own mother, she could just be doing what she craved as a child making sure that her children, were always clean, warm, full.

Making my way down the stairs, I hold Rusty against my chest, Angel sometimes pumped extra milk, for night feedings or well like she said, three mouths but only two breasts. I hadn’t assumed everyone was sleeping but dad’s voice startled me, “He’s hungry?” dad said in a whisper, but in the quiet it was louder causing Rusty to be frightened, against my chest as well. I nodded, going to the fridge, “here let me, I’m making a cup of tea for myself,” I stopped going to a chair at the island, “do you fancy a cup?” he asked his back to me, voice tired.

“Yeah dad…”

“How’s Angel?” I jerked a bit, but careful with Rusty in my arms, I couldn’t understand why they all were worried about her, not with how I knew they were suffering, grieving, not responding, he turned slightly, “is something the matter with her? I know you’ve been keeping and eye on her,” his voice concerned.

“Dad… don’t do this…” I whispered cowardly gazing at my son, not meeting dad’s eyes, “I’m not sure I understand what you are talking about Russell, or at least I’m hoping I’m wrong,” he stopped tending to the whistling from the boiling kettle, making our cups, using some of the water with tap to heat the bottle for Rusty in another clear medium sized bowl. He slid the cup towards me. The dimly lit room showing me his features, as he stepped closer, not touching his tea but reaching out for Rusty, a loving gaze in his eyes, a pro at holding babies he cooed at Rusty, then reached for the bottle, testing it first on his arm.

Rusty latched on quickly his slurping sounds the only ones for a while, a light hum sounding from appliances and the air-conditioner, “I was McKenna’s-” he stopped, “I am her father, and I will always be… and I hope you never have to experience this loss Russell. I’m sad, grieving for so many different things… when you look at your children, this beautiful little boy,” he sighed, “What do you think when you look at him?” he eyed me but for the most part focused on Rusty.

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