Team Free Will Imagine : Spells

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It's getting late as I hop into the backseat of the Impala while Sam and Dean get in the front. We drive down to the house where the witch has been hiding out. Once we arrive, we get out and head to the trunk where we grab out guns. We then approach the house and Sam turns to Dean and I, "You two search the house, I'll head to the back." We nod our heads and head to the door.

I quietly try to open the door but it's locked. I pull a bobby pin out of my hair and try to pick the lock. It opens with an annoying creak, and we quietly go into the house. I hold the gun up and Dean does the same. I look through a doorway and check if she's there, but the room is empty.

I walk in front of Dean and I head towards the stairs. He looks over to me and I point my finger signalling that I'm going up. He shoots me an 'are you sure?' look, and I send him a thumbs up. He nods and searches the bottom floor some more. I slowly make my way up the stairs, making small creaking sounds. Once I'm up I look around, my gun ready to shoot. I look in a doorway and there's no one there. I look around once more before heading in.

The room looks like a study, with lots of bookcases lining the walls, and a desk sitting in the corner of the room. I walk over to the desk and look at the papers and book sprawled across it. All the books are about spells and recipes. I look though all the papers sitting on the desk. They all appear to be weird looking symbols that are probably used to do spells. "Looking for me?"

I turn around sharply and try to grab my gun but I'm tossed against the wall by an invisible force. I struggle out of the invisible grip but to no avail. "So, you like looking through people's stuff without the permission?" I look up to see a middle aged woman with red hair slowly walking towards me, "So, you're the great y/n l/n, I have been absolutely dying to meet you." She chuckles and smiles at me condescendingly.

"Let go of me you bitch." I spit at her, glaring. She laughs and heads over to a drawer. She opens it and grabs a small jar of powder, then closes it. "What are you doing." I say. She smirks at me and begins to chant something in Latin.

I try to make out what she's saying, but my Latin isn't very good. " vos eritis mihi in forma canis!" she finishes the chant and grabs a handful of the auburn-coloured powder. She then blows it in my face, causing a light cloud of smoke. I break out in a coughing fit and drop to the floor.

I rub my eyes to clear my vision. I open my eyes but I don't see her. Suddenly Dean runs into the room and looks around urgently. He sees me on the floor, "Y/n, are you okay?" he attempts to help me up but I brush him off, "Yeah yeah I'm fine." I was so close to finally killing this bitch that we had been chasing for weeks, but I was too slow. I'm a terrible hunter.

Dean and I head out of the house and see Sam already there, leaning against the fence. "Did you find her?" he asks us. "I was too slow Sam, she pinned me to the wall before I could kill her, she escaped and now we have no idea where she is damn it!" I sigh angrily at myself. He reassuringly rubs my shoulder, "It's okay y/n, we'll get her next time." he smiles at me before walking back to the Impala, and I follow.

Once we arrive at the motel, I put my bag down and sit on my bed. How could have been so stupid? Why was I even looking around? It's not like I was going to find anything I didn't already know about. Sam puts his bag down and sits at the table with his laptop. Dean puts his bag down and goes over to the fridge, probably to find the leftover pie.

Sam looks over at me, "Hey y/n, did the witch do anything to you?"
"Uh yeah actually, She chanted something in Latin then blew some powder in my face." this catches Dean's attention, and he turns around from the fridge. "Do you feel any different?" he asks. I shake my head "Nope." he nods his head ever so slightly then turns his attention back to the fridge.

I check the clock and it's almost 2 am. I grab my pyjamas and head to the bathroom to change and to tie up my hair. When I come back out, Dean is passed out in his bed and Sam is still on his laptop. I walk over to him, "Whatcha doing?" I ask and he looks up at me, "Just trying to find out where the witch might have gone."
"Uh huh."I walk back over to my bed and fall back. "Night, Sam."

* * *

I open my eyes and look over at the alarm clock. 6 am. I stretch out my legs, but they aren't hanging over the edge like they were before. Weird. I try to get out of bed but end up tumbling over the edge with a thud. I shake my head and stand up. Why am I on all fours? I look around and everything seems so much taller than before. I can barely see the top of the bed.

I walk over to Sam's bed where he is sleeping peacefully. I try to wake him up. I try to say something but it comes out as a bark. What?- oh no, I think I know what the witch did now. Sam snaps his eyes open and looks glances around. He looks down and sees me. "Hey lil buddy, wh-" he notices that my bed is empty and then looks back at me, "Y/n?"

I nod my head. "Oh." I walk over to Dean's bed and let out another bark. His eyes snap open and he looks around. He looks down at me then looks at Sam, "Okay who let the dog in?" he says annoyed. He looks over at my bed and notices that it's empty, then looks at me, then at Sam. "Wait, is this y/n?" Sam nods and I do the same.

"Oh." he states, "Do you, uh, think it was the witch?" I give him a 'duh' face and walk over to the mirror sitting nearby. I look at it's reflection. I appear to be a Siberian Husky with white and grey fur, but my eyes are the same colour as they were when I was human. "I'll call Cas." Dean says as he stands up. "Hey Cas, uh, it would be great if you could get your angelic ass down here, we've got a situation."

I hear a flutter of wings behind me and Castiel is standing there. "What is the problem Dean?" Dean motions towards me and Cas looks at me. He walks closer and kneels down, examining my face, "Y/n?" my ears prick up and I wag my tail. "How did this happen?" Cas asks, still searching my face.

"We were hunting a witch and she put a spell on her or something." Sam says, "Can she be turned back?"
"Yes, just kill the witch and the spell will go away in a day or two." he states. "Uh huh." Dean says staring at me, making me uncomfortable. "Well I guess we've gotta find her then." Sam says and I bark in agreement.

(I'll write a part 2 for this) :)

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