Sam Imagine: Nightmares

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I walk across the dark and empty street with my hands in my pockets. The only light coming from the dull street lamp, and the only sound coming from the cold wind blowing around me. I look up at the sky and see a bright moon above me. I walk past an alleyway and out of the corner of my eye, I see two glistening orbs within the shadows.

'Should I see what it is? Or should I just keep walking?' My curiosity gets the best of me and I walk towards it. The wind gusts become harder and my hair whips in my face. I hear a low growl and the glistening comes closer. I suddenly see the shadowed figure of a man, and the yellow glistening orbs turn into eyes.

They look me right in the eye and growl again, showing sharp canine teeth. Werewolf. I slowly back away as they advance forward. I quickly turn away and start to run down the street, my heart practically beating out of my chest. I hear grunting behind me and I know they're not far away.

I take a quick turn and find that I'm at a dead end. Crap. I turn back and see that they are right there. My hand reaches down to try to find the dagger I keep in my right pocket, but it's not there. Suddenly they pounce at me with their claws out. Their claws pierce my chest and rip down my stomach.

I let out an ear-splitting scream of agony as the claw marks bleed out leaving a pool of blood around me. The werewolf continues to claw at me as I fall to the ground.

I wake up screaming my lungs out with sweat dripping down my face and someone shaking me awake. "Y/N, it's just a dream! Wake up!" I see Sam's eyes locked onto mine full of concern. "It was just a dream, you are okay." he says soothingly as he strokes his thumb along my cheekbone. "Sam, it happened again, the alley, the werewol-" He gently pulls me into his arms and strokes my hair. "Shh, I know, it's okay."
"It was so real." I say as I sob into his chest.

"I'm sorry I woke you up again with my stupid nightmares." I say when I stop sobbing. He looks down at me with sympathy. "Hey, it's alright, I just wanna make sure you're okay." he says with a small smile.

I grab a tissue to wipe off the tears that have stained my cheeks. "Can I get you anything?" Sam asks me. "Uh, can I have a glass of water?" Before I know it he's up and walking down the hallway. He comes back a few minutes later holding a glass. "Thankyou."

I notice my clothes sticking to my body because of the sweat. "I'm gonna go take a shower, thanks for looking after me, but you need to sleep." he lays down on the bed and makes him self comfortable. "I'm staying right here." he says with a smirk. "Okay." I smile at him and go to the bathroom.

I come back a few minutes later to find that Sam has fallen asleep and is snoring lightly and I can't help the grin that forms on my face. I go over to the bedside table and turn off the lamp, then I climb in next to him. I wrap my arms around his torso and lean my head on his chest.

In his sleep, he moves his arms so they're around me, and I grin again. I move my head and kiss his forehead, and the corners of his mouth turn up into a small smile, and I quickly drift off into a peaceful sleep.

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