Sam Imagine : Wings

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Being an angel was tough. Constantly having to deal with issues in heaven, it also didn't help that Castiel was your brother and there were hoards of angels after his head. Because of this, Cas wanted to be sure that you were constantly protected. "Cas, I can look after myself. "
"I just want to be sure. Sam and Dean are very trustworthy and they will look after you."

Cas zaps us to to the Winchester's bunker and I find that we are standing in a large library-like room. "Dean! Sam!" Cas called out. A man with short brown hair entered the room, "Cas, what is it? Who's this?" he asks looking at me. At that moment, a very tall man walked in and I was immediately attracted to him.

"Sam, Dean, this is my sister y/n, could she live here with you guys for a while? I just want her to be protected."
"That should be fine. I'm Dean." the man with short hair greeted me. "Uh hey, I'm Sam." the attractive tall man said and I instantly felt a connection towards him. Something about his soft dark brown hair, or his soft features on his face, or his caring hazel eyes, just made me want to protect him and to know how it felt to have him in my arms.

"Hey, you okay?" Sam asked and he laughed slightly and I blushed hard. "Well I should get going, I've got some things to deal with. I'll see you soon y/n." he gives me a hug and I hug back. "Look after yourself Castiel." I say and he zaps away.

"Wait, did you guys see that?" Dean suddenly said. "See what?" Sam asked. "Those black sparkles floating around Cas when he zapped away."
"When an angel meets their soulmate, they are the only ones who can see their wings, they are also the only ones who can touch them. Castiel just so happens to have black wings." Sam suddenly grinned at Dean, "So Cas soulmate?" Dean questioned, trying to suppress a smile. "Apparently so." I reply. "Aw, that's adorable." Sam says and Dean's face tinges pink.

"Hey, I'll show you around and give you a tour." Sam suggests. "Okay." We walk around and he shows me the kitchen, the garage and the living room. He leads me upstairs and down a hallway. "This is Dean's bedroom here," he says pointing to a door, "And this is mine here." We go back down to the main area and Dean is sitting on a chair, contemplating something.

"Hey y/n?" he asked. "Yes Dean?"
"What you said before about the soul mates and stuff, when is the soulmate able to see the angels wings?"
"They just have to admit to themselves that they are meant for each other." I answer. Dean sighs and contemplates some more.

* * *

"I thinks it's the ghost of the kid that was murdered there." Sam said. The three of us were investigating a spirit that was haunting a playground. "Any idea where he was buried?" I ask him. "Says here he was buried next to the playground."
"Let's go." Dean said.

They load up their bags and I zap the three of us to the playground. The brothers hold up their guns and I search for the buried body. The brothers were acting as a distraction while I burned the bones. I walked over to spot in the grass and begin to dig. It doesn't take me much time because of my strength.

I pour salt onto the bones and then pour on the gasoline. I pull out my lighter and flick on the flame, when suddenly my body is lurched backwards and my body is being held up against a tree by an invisible force. My angel blade floats out of my pocket and falls into the hands of a deranged looking boy with hooded eyes. "Play with me." he murmured before slicing along my cheekbone with the blade.

I let out a shriek as the pain along my face continues. "Y/N!" I hear Sam call out. He runs over to where I am. "Sam! The lighter!" I say as loud as possible. The boy drags the blade along my neck, "Play with me." Sam notices the lighter on the ground that I dropped and flicks it on. He throws it onto the bones and it goes up in flames. The ghost boy suddenly catches fire and disappears. I fall to the ground holding onto my neck.

"Y/n!" Sam comes over and holds me in his arms, his eyes widen suddenly and he looks at the space behind me. "What is it Sam?" I ask. He shakes his head, "Nothing, nothing. Are you alright?"
"I'll be okay, Sam." I reply blankly but reassuringly. Dean comes over and I heal my wounds. "Are you able to zap us back to the bunker?" Dean asks. "Yeah." Sam helps me up and I zap us back to the bunker.

"Thanks, that was a close call." Dean remarks and walks off. I look over to Sam and see that his eyes are fixated on the area behind my back. "What is it Sam?"
"You have, like a, golden aura around you." he says, gulping. I blush, "Are your wings golden?" he asks me and I nod.

"Do you want me to show you?" I ask shyly. Sam nods slightly and I spread out my wings. Sam glances behind me, then at my face, then behind me again. "Y/n, they're beautiful. Can I touch them?" I nod and he walks closer. He tenderly runs his fingers along my feathers, careful not to pull any out. A small moan escapes my lips and I quickly cover my mouth while Sam grins at me.

He walks behind me and spreads out his arms against my wings, then we walks back around and looks me in the eyes, "I knew I felt something towards you, the moment I saw you in the bunker, I felt a connection pulling us together. And today when I saw that you were injured, I felt a need to be by your side constantly." he says leaning in closer to me.

"I felt exactly the same way the moment I saw you too." I say. I begin to say something when his lips crash onto mine. I wrap my wings around us and he smiles into the kiss, feeling my soft feathers against his back.

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