Kevin Imagine: Thunderstorm

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I sit in my bedroom of the bunker, cuddled up in my blankets, scared out of my mind. There's a raging thunder storm outside, causing loud drops of rain to land on the roof. Every single drop is like a loud bang and it is terrifying. It's also freezing in the bunker but I don't know how to work the heater, but I don't want to wake anyone up because Sam, Dean and Kevin need all the sleep they can get. It's 2 am and I can't sleep because of this freaking storm.

I turn on my bedside lamp to try and get rid of my nerves and maybe fall asleep. If I don't calm down I might end up having another panic attack. I lay down and close my eyes. I try to think of happy things, like yesterday when Kevin split coffee on Dean's leather jacket and Dean chased him around the bunker, and the other day when Kevin and I put glitter in Baby's air conditioner and glitter flew everywhere, and 3 weeks ago when Kevin and I watched The Avengers and he fell asleep on my shoulder, and when Kevin did that thing, and...Kevin.

There's a sudden jolt of bright lightning outside and I jump and fall off my bed in a heap of blankets and pillows. I shiver and climb back up. There is then a loud bellow of thunder, making the ground shake slightly. I've always been scared of storms, ever since I was a kid. I don't really know what it is but they just scare the hell out of me.

I wrap my blankets around myself again and hold a pillow close to my chest. I suddenly hear some footsteps coming down the hall and I sit up. The walking stops and there's a knock at my door. "Come in." I say, my voice shaking unexpectedly. The door opens revealing Kevin standing their in his checkered pyjamas. His hair is sticking up all over the place and I smile. "Hey y/n, you alright? I heard a thump." he says rubbing his eye. "Yeah I'm okay, I just..kinda....fell off the bed." I shrug. He stands there for a moment, then asks, "have you been awake this whole time?"

I lean back against a pillow, "yeah." I say. "Why?" he says coming over and sitting at the end of the bed. "Well, the storm was keeping me awake." I admit. Kevin scoots closer, "Why didn't you wake me up?" There's a sudden beam of white lightning and I jump. I let out a sigh, "I figured you needed all the sleep you could get." Kevin smiles. There's a rumble of thunder and I shiver.

"Are you cold? I'll go turn the heater on." he walks over to the heater and presses a button. "Thanks, I could never figure out how to work that thing." he smiles and sits back down on the bed. I lie back down on the bed, "You know, you can go back to bed if you want." He lays down next to me, "Nah, I think I'll stay here."

We both lie there looking up at the ceiling in comfortable silence, when I feel his hand move over to lay on mine. I glance over at him to see that he's smiling up at the roof. I smile to myself hoping that he can't see my probably ruby-red face.

We lie there for a while for a little while longer when there's a sudden flash of lightning and scares the crap out of me. I jump and let out a loud gasp. Kevin looks over at me sympathetically and squeezes me hand. I attempt to regulate my breathing. He squeezes my hand again. It goes silent before the roll of thunder is heard and I shudder.

"What's your favourite colour?" he suddenly asks me. "Uhh green, what's yours?"
"Green." I look over at him to see him already smiling at me. "what's your favourite animal?" I ask him. "That's a hard one, probably giraffe." I let out a chuckle, "why?"
"Eh, no reason."

We lie there for hours, asking each other random questions about them. "What's your favourite food?"
"What's your favourite book?"
"What's your favourite song?"
"What's your favourite movie?"

After a very long time I look over at the clock to see that it's 4:47 in the morning. "Hey Kev, we should probably go to sleep soon." I look over at him to see that he is already fast asleep. I smile at him and scoot closer to his body. He senses my presence and wraps an arm around my waist. I face him and place a gentle kiss to his cheek

"Goodnight Kevin."
He snores in response.

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