Dean Imagine : Car

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I walked along the road holding onto my injured arm. My head suddenly began to throb for the millionth time. The road looked like it never ended.

There were no cars coming by, the only sounds coming from the cold wind and my throbbing head. I looked next to me and just saw more of the forest that I escaped. I decide to cross the road to see if I could find any trails. I walk along when I see a sudden flash of lights and I hear screeching tyres.

I brace for impact but the car doesn't hit me. The car stops and two men come out. "Oh my god, are you alright?" The attractive man with shorter hair holds onto my arms and I immediately feel safer. The throbbing in my head intensifies and I fall to the ground and it all goes black.

I wake up to the low rumbling of a car. I notice that I'm being held in someone's arms. I look up and see the attractive man's face. "W-where am I?" He quickly looks down at my face and sympathy and worry floods his perfect features.

"I'm Dean and this my brother Sam," he gestures to the taller man who's driving the car, "we're driving back to the motel that we're staying at so that you can rest." I softly smile at him before i hear, "Step on it Sammy!" and I drift off again.

I wake up again and see that I'm in a small motel room. I look to my right and Dean is holding onto my hand. He smiles at me, "Uh hey, are you feeling alright?" He asks. I sit up and my head throbs again. "Yeah, I've just got a killer headache and my arm is cut." I say gesturing to my left arm.

Dean holds onto my left arm and examines it. "It's gonna need stitches, I'm going to stitch it up." he gets up and walks over to a cupboard. He comes back holding a first aid kit. He brings out floss, a needle and some alcohol. "Now this is gonna sting like a bitch, so you can squeeze my hand if you want. He offers his free hand out and I take it in mine.

He pours the alcohol over my cut and I clench my eyes together from the pain. Once it's done Dean dabs it clean and threads the needle. He starts some small talk to take my mind off of my arm. "So, what's your name?" he asks, "y/n."
"Y/n, that's a nice name." I smile at his response.

"Do you remember what you were doing walking along a road in the middle of nowhere?" the memories flood back. "I was camping by myself when a tree came crashing down on top of my tent. I must have gotten knocked out, which is what gave me this headache." I say rubbing the back of my head. "Then I woke up again and my tent was destroyed, so I went out to find civilisation, but all I found was a road."

I look over at my arm and it's all stitched up. "Thankyou Dean." I say. "That's alright, do you wanna stay the night and gets some rest?"
"Uh yeah, that would be great." I say smiling again. He smiles and nods, and begins to walk away, but I hold his wrist. "uh..can you stay?" I ask a little embarrassed.

He smiles and and walks over and sits next to me. I lie down with my head resting on the pillow, while Dean plays with my hair until I fall asleep.

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