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Song: Kill em with kindness - Selena Gomez

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Song: Kill em with kindness - Selena Gomez



This was my usual Monday stressful meeting. I would come to the place of work, have ready a couple ideas for the section and hope that Leroy Sullivan, the Editor Advisor, will agree to some before being released.

He was the very last ladder step between us and the Director of Providence Weekly -a chirpy, airheaded woman that had inherited all this and showed little to no interest in even appearing. In the past ten months I'd been fully employed here, I'd seen more of her administrator than of her.

All I know about Miss Farrenhall was that she was interested in marine biology, and if she hadn't sold this publishing yet was only because it's been in her family for the past three generations and it held an emotional value for her.

When I did my research before my interview a year ago, I found out that this was the very first editorial that printed secular articles in Providence. And the third to have woman redactors. It used to be... Well, I would say important, but people in the trade had some respect for it.

Yet things weren't always good and when they couldn't keep up with crisis and new changes of new technology, it became a more random editorial... and now they barely even printed anything. What remains now from the potential it used to have is the Providence Weekly.

I came here recommended by one of my professors in college right after graduating. Staring at the lowest as a poorly paid intern, but I start getting random corrections and reviews and in the past couple months I and Stella were on charge of the gossip tabloid.

Well, not like it was officially the 'gossip', but our job was to cover news that might fall into that category. The social tabloid with a sensationalist twist.

Not exactly my ideal job place, but I was starting. I had to be patient and work my way up, prove my worth so soon more relevant articles would be on me. Maybe even some juicy reportage.

But probably the worst wasn't the insubstancial news I covered, but that I share the section with Stella Belmish. With her auburn shinny mane and her bright dark eyes... She always looked like she could see through me and read all my actions, dressing formal but somehow sexy, giving her that business woman look that just inspired power over the rest. On me. She was intimidating.

But that wasn't based on nothing, she was talented and she knew it. Which made her scary in a sense, and I had to keep up my guard all the time when around her.

She'd arrived barely a month after me, and despites my best efforts, she immediately dispised me the moment we both applied for the section -eager to have a more solid place in the editorial, but failing to see we would both get it. Stella was probably equally frustrated that her writing wasn't just up to her but a team work.

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