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Song: Clarity - Zedd ft Foxes

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Song: Clarity - Zedd ft Foxes



Here I was again. Tangled in sheets with Nate Herond and wondering when had my life spiraled to this. Not as something bad or ashaming, like I felt this morning. More like... confused out of my mind.

I didn't know why I couldn't help myself. It was as if something numbed my senses and I needed him in a way I used to. But this was like sipping the sweetest poison. I had to keep in mind that this blissful feeling could easily twist into something that would hurt me deep inside.

I'd been there with Nate before. I'd been hurt and down and just as easily as he could made me feel the most amazing and beautiful girl in the world, he could snatch it right off my feet. And then I would feel deluded for ever thinking I had him all figure out.

But we still had the chemistry. The tension that would make me want him like I only seem to want him. This raw, primal instinct. Was it because he was my first? First man, first love, first heartbreak...

I didn't know, but I guess until we get it out of our systems, it couldn't be that bad. Actually, it could be quite mind-blowing. As long as I keep him at arm's length.

Well, a metaphorical arm's length.

"A penny for your thoughts?" his rough voice caressed my neck as he hugged my middle and rose onto his other elbow on the mattress, making it dip as he looked down at me. His head tilted and despites the tiredness weighting me down I was almost tempted to go for another round. "Are you regretting it again?"

I smiled tracing up his arms and loved the light fluttering of my skin against his. How had we not gotten over this stupid tension yet?

"It's not like that."

I didn't regret what we did. And what we apparently keep doing. I was scared. So damn scared.

His hand tangled in my hair spread across the pillow and hotly kissed the hollow between my collarbones, taking part of my resolution with him. I couldn't make one decent thought as his tongue tasted my neck up. He captured my lips with his and I gave in.

It was so easy to give in.

I was still sensitive about the recent activities and everything felt more intense. Yet when his body pressed down on mine and the flutter became a craving that would evolve into much more again, it triggered some of my common sense.

My next words rushed before I got lost in his charm again: "We're gonna need some rules."



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