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Song: Flirt - NEFFEX

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Song: Flirt - NEFFEX



The phone beeped and I looked down at the text, but again, it wasn't Hailey. She had been ignoring me since our fight. Well, not ignoring me, but certainly keeping distance. Which I didn't like. Especially when I knew she was mad.

The text was a BeReal notification.

"Is that your girl?" Wondered Amir. And looked up with a knowing smirk. "Sorry. You're not-girl."

"BeReal, asshole." I unlocked the screen and raised the phone. "Say cheese." Amir posed with his mouth full and I lifted my other hand to do a peace sign as both the front camera and the rear snapped the pic. I laughed at his stupid face. "It stays."

He rolled his eyes, taking another forkful of his delicious meal and now that I posted I was allowed to scroll down to my contacts' posts. I scrolled down, curiously, but my heart halted when I saw Kimmy had posted hers. On the rear camera picture, it was the views of the sunset from the Public Garden in Boston, and on the front picture there were the four of them: Kimmy, Eli, Stella and Hailey. Posing and making faces to the camera.

"I'm back... What?" Kyle returned to the table with a new jar in his hands. "I was gone for literally five minutes. What's with the sour face." his brows pursed. "You missed me?"

"Shut up." I nudged him. "And I had no sour face."

"Yes, you do." shrugged Amir making my eyes narrowed at him.

He swallowed and smirked again. Something he did a lot and that made his white smile seem brighter against his tan skin. He wore his hair cut very short, so it was almost just a shadow and black plug earrings. We met him at NYU as well, he was majoring in economy and left the team in sophomore when he couldn't make it fit with his studies. We keep contact, tho, and even now, when it had been over a month since I last saw him, it felt like not a day had passed.

"Well, I'm not sour."

"Mhm." nodded Kyle, not seeming to believe my words but in the end shrugged and slid the bears before each of us. "Well, who knew two days could pass so fast? Here's to us and for more great weekends to come."

I rolled my eyes at his preppy cheerful tone, but it was endearing and found myself smiling as well as I raised my own glass to click it with theirs. "Maybe next time you can stay the whole weekend."

"Or you could come back." countered Amir carelessly. "My couch is always ready."


"I know."

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