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Song: I'm still here - Goo Goo Dolls

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Song: I'm still here - Goo Goo Dolls



I wiped the sweat off my forehead with my arm, standing by the car and gestured over at Grayson to turn on the engine. It roared back to life and this time it had that soft rumbling, like a purr and I smiled, putting down the hood.

"Done. It was the pistons."

"Knew it." muttered Gray turning it off as our supervisor, Mr Cooper, approached us.

"How is it going?"

"This is my fourth and last." I informed cleaning my hands on the rag before moving towards the table to fulfill the report of it.

 "I'm almost done too." Grayson cleared his throat and Mr Cooper nodded.

He was a short man, always in a suit and always in a good mood. He was the one in charge of us. In this corner we were only Grayson and I, taking care of the different cars coming from the insurances. On this ground floor there were four more sections with other teams. We were basically the practical part of the enterprise. It was kind of a car shop associated with an insurance and we were in charge to attend, fix or assess engine-related issues.

Sometimes it was theoretical, sometimes it was paperwork and others, like now- and like usually- we had to get our hands dirty. But it was fine. Somehow, this was something I'd been attracted since forever, and to actually be able to make it my job was something I would have only dreamed of back in my teen days.

Mr Cooper was one among several supervisors, each minding their own section, and they all had their own boss that also answers to the head of the business, a co-owner that signed the deal with my old bosses.

He was nice, I guess, but still my boss. So far, these weeks that I'd been getting used to the new place and new routine here he'd been patient and easy on me, but I had no doubt the moment I did something he didn't approve I would have to sweat for it. More, I mean.

Mr Cooper nodded, satisfied with the verbal recap, and noted something in his paper before moving over out our garage-office. I still wasn't sure how to call it, we did both the paperwork and the checking in this space. It was big enough to park a couple cars and the rest waited in the back store.

I kept everything and take my belongings, more than ready to call it a day and go home already.

"You need everything before I leave?" I asked Grayson, sliding in my jacket. But he shook his head, fiddling under the hood of his assigned car.

"Nah, I got this. Thanks."


"So, want to meet earlier tonight?" He wondered not even looking up from his work. "We can meet here with Dwight and then go."

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