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Song: What about now- Daughtry

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Song: What about now- Daughtry



As I placed the dirty lunch dishes in the sink, I noticed the glass of water already waiting there, a faint hint of lipstick over the rim and I was once more shattered back last night. To Hailey's lips. To their feeling on mine, and in my skin, and-

"Here." Uncle Leo left the rest of the dishes by my pile and I was snapped back to the now, blinking as I turned to him. Aunt Meli and Sophia had been petting Spoty on the couch but were moving now as well. The cat was a little cautious about Sophie at first because when a baby she sometimes didn't measure and pulled his tail like it was the funniest thing in the world, but now she was more conscious and just showered him with hugs and kisses.

They were supposed to come for lunch, but Leo's meeting stretched too much and we ended up making a late lunch-early dinner. We had of those big meals of my attempt to cook them something worthy and that stretched with conversation as Sophia watched a cartoon on the TV. We'd lost track of time and now they had to get going because it was kinda late and they still had the long way back to Pensilvania.

They were getting ready as I cleaned the table, but was happy that Uncle Leo helped me. What I wasn't so thrilled about was that knowing look he was giving me.

"What's on your mind?" he wondered nonchalatly and I shook my head.

"What do you mean?"

"Don't get me wrong, you look like you got it all figured out." he spreaded his arms to gestured the apartment. "The place is nice, you looked settled and comfortable and I'm proud."

"Thanks." his words warmed me inside, but of course there was something else in his nice speech:

"But it's like your mind is elsewhere."

Yeah, with Hailey.

I didn't know if I was pissed because she used me, hurt because of that, or frustrated because Alissa came out of the blue once more to mess everything up. Why couldn't she just faint in the background?

"Naaaate." Sophia rushed to me the moment I turned from the sink and I had just enough time to scoped her up. She had shrugged on her pink parka, matching the color of her sneakers and her ginger hair bounded in a high ponytail.

"Hey, Twinkle. Man, you've grown."

"I don't want to go yet!" she pouted hugging me tightly, her legs around my waist and her arms looping around my neck. The lunch had been nice and all, but I haven't seen her in weeks and I'm surprised myself of how much I'd missed her. And now they were going again and I don't when would I see them again.

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