Chapter 1

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           This is my first book so please don't say it is bad or anything. I also might make some mistakes on grammar so point it out if you see any and please don't hate.  Also I chose that meme because I think it is really funny on how Ben don't know how to get girls to like him.            

                      Ben's POV

                                     Hi I am Ben Ripley and I am a 3rd year in Spy School, or so I thought. It started out normal, I ate my breakfast which is disgusting and went to class. I kind of fell asleep at advanced-self prevention. Then I ate lunch while sitting with my friends Mike, Trixie, Chip, Jawa, and Zoe. Erica is being her usual cold self and sitting in her own table own table. Only Trixie can sit with Erica because Trixie is her sister.

                                     Lunch was also usual, we talked for a bit while Chip tries to tease as much first years as he can. Jawa was talking to Mike about classes while I ate in silent. Zoe also tried to talk to me but I didn't respond. The reason is because if I do, then Erica might get jealous and one will end up getting hurt, which is probably Zoe. Second, Zoe kind of betrayed our team but we became friends again but things will never be the same with us and Zoe. 

                                     After lunch, while in advanced weaponry,  the principal's voice came up. We all regard him as the idiot because he is a big one. I was called up as well as the rest of the gang except Zoe. Trixie was also there because we kind of counted her in our gang. We were told to go on a mission to go to England because the CIA suspect that the Craotaon because Spain use to be a rival against England back in colonial times and Agent Durkee have escaped and she have flown to England. 

                                     MI6 and the CIA will be working together in this mission. Catherine, some agents in MI6, Trixie, Erica, me, Mike, Chip, Jawa, Alexander, and Cyrus will be in the mission. I was excited because I can finally go on a mission again and I finally can spend time with Erica.

                         Erica's POV        

                                   It started out as I usual day where I started to do my workout 0500 hours and at 0600, I went to the mess to eat breakfast. I sat through all of my classes and at lunch. While I pretend to read my book, I was secretly watching Ben. I was looking at his hazel brown eyes while eating my usual salad. I saw Zoe to talk to Ben but Ben just kept eating. I try to be my usual icy self but Ben just kind of break the barrier like it is nothing.

                                   I then went back to class and sat through it until the gang got called up except Zoe. I got there first but found my mom, dad, and grandpa waiting for me. Mom smiled at me and grandpa just nodded. Then my sister and the rest of the gang got there except for Zoe because we kind of rule her out of the gang after our last mission. When Mike walked in, I saw my sister blush upon seeing him.

                                   Ben got there second to last and this time, I blushed while seeing him. My mom seem to notice this and she just winked at me while my dad just nodded and smile. Grandpa wasn't much of a talking to another human being and is far more icier than me and he just grunted. But at least he did wheel towards me and told me "We need to talk Erica."

                                   Chip got here last and he was shocked that he was here last. We were briefed about what is happening. We were told that we are going on a mission and that all of us were going and when we arrived in England, some MI6 agents are going to work with us. I pretended to be cool on the outside while I was screaming with joy in the inside. There are 2 reasons, 1 I finally got to go on a mission again. 2. Ben was coming with me so we finally get to spend some time together. I might even confess to him in this mission.(Might happen if I feel like it [I like Berica so there are 80% chance that I will write it]) 

                                   I then groaned mentally because my mom is coming with us and she usually embarrass me as much as she can. Maybe I can ask her how to get closer to boys(Ben). I hope this works out because I really like Ben and I know that he like me but I don't know to to tell him about it or where to procced. I hope grandpa is fine with this and that he might not just go murder him because Ben is dating me. Dad might be fine with this so it is 2 votes of ok(Catherine and Alexander) against 1 vote of no (Cyrus). Anyways, I was extremely excited. I am also pretty sure that my sister Trixie is excited because she gets to learn about Mike in a mission.

Word count 882 with this 

Please don't hate and vote, comment if good or bad, also tell whether I should add in Zoe into the story or not.

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