Chapter 5

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Here is the third chapter for the day. If you are a Zen shipper, then don't read it because it have a lot of Berica moments and also Trike so yeah. Anyways, enjoy!!!

Ben's POV

So after the drive. We got the same hotel room partners as the one as the plane. Since my mom and dad join, they get a room for themselves. Erica pulled me into a janitor closet as soon as we are out of sight and said, "If you tell anyone what happened in the car or what happened here, I will find you and I will."

"You will kill me. I know the drill. And wait what happened here?" I asked. At that moment, Erica lunged at me and kissed me. What? I mean what? After Erica stopped kissing me and I stopped kissing her, I asked, "What was that more?"

"Not a word about it." Erica said not answering my question and she hurriedly left. I just stand there trying to process what is happening. After 4 minutes and 42 seconds, I snapped out of my thoughts and went back to the hotel room that I am suppose to stay in with Erica. I saw Erica unpacking so I started doing the same thing. Erica and I then brainstormed ideas about the Croatoan's target. 

Erica then did something very disturbing to be. She grabbed my hand and started dragging me with her. I stopped and asked, "Who are you and what did you do with the Erica Hale that I know?" 

"I am the Erica Hale and you are seeing my nice side while the others get my cold and icy side." Erica said facing me then continue dragging me outside. I found Catherine and mom standing there talking. When they saw us coming, they stopped us and said. "Where do you think you two are going?" mom asked?

"We're doing some reconnaissance and try find their targets." Erica answered coldly.

"Well, their target is the London bridge so stop making excusing because you just want to go out and have fun with Ben." Catherine replied.

"Wait what?" me and Erica said at once, "How did you figure it out?"

"Well we went on reconnaissance before you so there." mom said.

"Any solid evidences?" Erica asks.

"They have been spotted taken pictures of the London bridge." Catherine reported.

"Well can we go and have fun anyways?" Erica kind of pleaded at this point. Mom and Catherine raised and eyebrow at each other and said, "If only you two kiss and let both us take a picture." Mom said. 

"What??????" me and Erica said at the same time. But Erica acted first and fast. She pressed her lips onto mine and when we heard two camera clicks . We pulled away and ran away. Mom and Catherine called after us telling us to be safe and try stay out of trouble and be back at 0700 for dinner. We agreed and raced off.

Erica's POV

We got the same room partner as our plane one and for once, I was kind of excited. I pulled Ben into the Janitor's closet and told him not to say anything about what has happened in the car and what is about to happen. He looked confused so I did something I wanted to do for a long time. I kissed him. After I pulled away and he looked confused. I told him not a word and I ran away back to the room we are staying in because of embarrassment.

I pulled him out after doing some brainstorming. We were going to do a reconnaissance, but mother and Jane did it for us. I asked if we can go out and have fun like normal people and they told us that if we kiss and let them take a picture, then we get to go out and play like normal children. I really don't want them to take a picture but for the sake of going to play outside, I lean towards Ben and kissed him, after 2 camera clicks, we pulled away and ran. Jane and mother said stay safe and be back at 0700 for dinner. We agreed and raced off.

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