Chapter 10

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So basically I am going to start writing a little action inside because I think it is too peaceful so far. Enjoy!

Ben's POV

So I woke up to me sleeping next to Erica. What the heck? We are in different beds when we went to sleep so someone must have put us on the same bed. I looked around and saw that Erica was on my bed. So either someone placed her on my bed or it is mom, dad, or Catherine did it. It can't be Alexander because Alexander will definitely wake Erica up by moving her onto my bed. Wait, it is I am on her bed. WHAT?

I was about to get out of bed when Erica woke up. Uh oh, she either kick me out of bed or she jump out of bed. But she just looked around and wrapped her hands around my waist and cuddles in my chest. I looked over her and saw a dart. It either is a truth serum dart or whatever dart that makes you act like what you feel like and not being able to feel like it.

I just slept there with her because why not and she probably will drag me back on the bed if I do because she got darted by some sort of serum. It was 0800 and Cyrus burst into the room. He was mad but I motioned him to look at the back of Erica. He saw it and knew what was happening. He ran back to his room and came back with another serum. He said it counters against all sort of truth serum or serums that make you act what came to mind serum. 

Erica instantly woke up from her dream and looked horrified. Cyrus told her that it is fine because she got shot with a truth serum or serum that makes you act what you want. Erica then clamed down and said sorry to me. I said it's fine I like you anyways. When the words slipped out of my mouth, I realized what I said and must have looked horrified but Erica just said it's fine. We went down and Erica and I agreed to each ask our own parents. I asked my mom and she just said well maybe we both did it and winked at Catherine. Catherine winked in response and we just went to get breakfast.

Breakfast was great until I saw someone that looked like Murray Hill in the distance. I frowned and told the rest of the people what I have seen. Erica wasn't eating and said the food is poisoned. Cyrus said that he got a plate of food that isn't poisoned. The rest of the adults said that they did the same thing as Cyrus did and we looked horrified. Mom and dad handed me, Jawa and Mike a antidote while Catherine handed Chip and Trixie one because Alexander obviously forgot his. 

We then went around looking for him and I saw Zoe with Murray. What the heck is Zoe doing here? Did she joined the evil side? I went back and reported what I saw. Everyone agree with me that Zoe have turned evil and now we have to track them down.

Erica's POV

At midnight I felt someone moved next to me, I then got shot my some sort of serum in the back and instantly felt asleep. I then woke up to Ben being next to me. I don't know what happened but I dragged him back to bed and cuddles around him. I then instantly woke up to a serum that counters against all serum getting shot into me. I looked horrified but grandpa said it's fine. 

I mumbled sorry to Ben but he said it's fine I like you anyways. He then looked horrified because he didn't think about the words he said. OMG, I was mentally happily screaming but just said it's fine. We then split up and I asked my mom did she do it? She said maybe me and Ben's parents did it. They then winked at each other.

We went to breakfast and looked over at the food. They are mostly all poisoned so I didn't ate any because the ones not poisoned are not healthy. All the adults got the ones not poisoned while the rest of the children got the poisoned ones. Ben then saw Murray and the adults handed out antidots.

We then split up to track them down. Ben said he saw the targets and gives us the reports of Zoe being here. We then checked in with the academy and heard that Zoe got booted. Now Zoe is on the dark side, we are going to take them down! 

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