Chapter 1 ~ Arrival

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Picture credit: @ penkunn on Instagram

A/N  This is a remake of my old story with a few improvements in it.

Tuesday 7th of April at 1:30 PM

Hinata's Pov

It's been a year now, I'm finally back from Brazil.
It feels like I've been gone for ages.

I miss being here in Japan, I missed my family and of course, I missed my friends.

I can't wait to see everyone again, I thought as I got out of the plane.

I started heading towards the luggage to see if I could find my grey bags that had stickers all over them. The bags were huge, I may or may not have gotten too carried away with buying souvenirs but who could blame me, they were so amazing I had to get them all!

Anyway, after I gathered my belongings, I hurried outside to see if my ride was there.

My mum and Natsu were supposed to come to pick me up. I was so excited to see them, I just want to hug them right now but I have to wait for I little longer.

I waited for about two to three minutes until I got a message


A/N I don't know how to present the text so ye


Sweetie where are you I'm parked outside the airport.

Oh, I'm at the entrance I'll come to you guys.

Ok also make sure you're not on your phone while crossing the roads.

Ye ye don't worry.


I glanced up while switching my phone off. I slowly began looking around to see if I could find their car.

As I hurried over to the car park I noticed a bright orange-haired girl standing next to a black car. She looked quite familiar I thought as I got closer. When I got near the car I realized that it was Natsu. She had grown up so much that I hardly recognized her. I ran over to her as soon as I noticed. she still had her hair in little pigtails with green ribbon wrapped around it. She looked still like a 7-year-old even though she was 12. I crept forward and grabbed Natsu into a hug from behind.

I think I startled her but I'm sure she did realize it was me. Natsu turned around and looked at me with a glowing smile on her face. I looked at her and smiled back. It was amazing to see her again.

She hugged me back and then quickly knocked on the window of the car.

The door opened as a woman with black Wavey hair came out. She looked at me and started tearing up.

"Hey, mum," I said while I was walking toward her.

She gripped onto me into a cuddle and started crying. She was warm and smelled of her favorite perfume. Hearing her cry made me want to never leave ever again.

"Mum, why are you crying? I'm back now and I'm not going anywhere." I pleaded.

"I know I just missed my baby so much." She replied as she wiped her tears away.

I looked at Natsu who was looking at the ground. She was awfully quiet, it was kind of weird.

"Natsu what's wrong, you're being really quiet" I exclaimed.

The little orange hair girl looked up at me directly in the eye like she was going to kill me.

"Well, you're the one who left us for a year and went all the way across the world. She ranted

Her being angry made me giggle. It reminded me of the times we had before I left.

"Natsu dear you should be happy your big brother is back. You always told me how you missed him and you really want to see Shoyo again. Mum chuckled as she played with Natsu's hair.

Natsu looked away in annoyance she really looked like she didn't want mum to say that. I grinned and tapped her on the shoulders. "Awww did your miss your big brother" I replied.

Natsu opened the door to the car and crawled inside. "Well we better get going then it's getting cold," she said trying to change the subject.

I hopped into the car and sat next to my sister. Mum got in and we started heading home.

It was nice seeing my family I really missed them a lot and I can't wait to see everyone else too.

AN/ thank you to whom that read the first chapter I hope you liked it and I will hopefully upload the next one when I'm done.

729 words

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