Meeting Hîm

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The... beast, as Taehyung has taken to call this unusually bulky being inside his head, was still squeezing the life out of him and therefore, was causing the blunette to have problems in breathing properly and still showed no signs of stopping anytime soon. Hell, the beast probably didn't even notice Taehyung's reddening face or his silent yet fruitless struggles to get out of the forceful embrace. Well, if Taehyung wasn't so busy moaning mentally about his 'perfect lungs' being harmed by the beast's bulky arms or continuing with his struggling to get out of the beast's arms, he would have noticed the silent sniffling of the same person he was busy cursing inside his head right now or how 'couply and intimate' their position currently screamed to an outsider. Or even the soft, almost fond glance that his newly found brother was currently subjecting the both of them with.

He missed them all.

"Hey, Hey! That's enough hugging for the day, Kook. Look, Tae's having problems breathing now. You must release him-" Jin was cut off from his speech as the 'beast'- or 'Kook' Taehyung supposes- immediately released the said blunette from the bone-crushing hug he had initiated and started fussing over the blunette worriedly. Wow, the duality...

"Oh my god, hyung! I am so sorry! Are you alright? Do you feel any pain? Can you breathe now? Hyung-" Here 'Kook' was cut off from his worried ramblings by a very amused Seokjin. Taehyung wondered if Seokjin still held a grudge against his brother or not. For he didn't think that getting almost strangled to death by a very very strong and buff guy was something that any caring man would be amused to find their younger brother being subjected to. Or it could just be one of the perks of Kim Seokjin's unique personality...

Very likely...

As for his assaulter, Taehyung must admit that this 'Kook' had a weirdly familiar and pleasant voice. Not too deep and not too high-pitched. Almost honey-like. Hmm, where had he- or most probably book Taehyung- heard it...?

Breathing finally stable, Taehyung finally looked up to find a slightly concerned Seokjin and another very, very worried and panicky raven-haired male. A very attractive and firmly-built raven-haired male, might he add.

Jeon Jungkook.

His mind supplied. The ravenette's name was Jeon Jungkook. The novel's dominant male protagonist's younger brother. Or more specifically, the neglected Jeon heir.

Once more, a tsunami of more than about 20 years worth memories of his fictional counterpart about Jeon Jungkook started assaulting his mind. Memories of them meeting for the firsr time when they were only 5 year olds. Memories of a young and adorable Jungkook always following Taehyung around like a little puppy. Of a young Taehyung surprising the younger Jeon with a surprise birthday party, which coincidentally was also Jungkook's first ever birthday celebration. Of them in middle school, then high school and finally college where they drifted apart. Or more like Taehyung started drifting away from the younger, while Jungkook continued to still fight for them.
For his beloved Taehyungie-hyung...
Even now...

As of now, the only thing Taehyung- fictional- cared to know about Jeon Jungkook was that the ravenette now owned a couple of very successful and flourishing martial arts and combat training academies in and around Seoul and even commanded some of the most lucrative and prosperous gangs in Korea, Japan and even China.
While not as widely recognized as his elder brother, Jungkook was still very respectable and successful in his line of work and with a far cleaner- if not the cleanest- criminal records. Since his gangs mostly dealt with certain trading and commercial activities- which fortunately, were mostly legal- with other huge business giants like America, England, Australia and such and rarely ever fought with each other, they were hardly ever mentioned in the police records. The government, as far as Taehyung's fictional counterpart knew, didn't even properly know about them and hence, Jungkook was as innocent as any other owner of a completely legal and very successful business firm.

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