Meet and Greet

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After the suspicious and kind of disconcertingly relaxing meeting with the enigmatic silver-haired male in the balcony, Taehyung felt more than slightly wary about his new surroundings. Especially since the night's event was NOT supposed to have any gangster in attendance and the silver-haired male that he met in the balcony looked quite sus and shady. A dangerous enigma. A risky variable he can't afford to take chances with.

Shaking his head, the bewitchingly enticing blunette tried to dispel his thoughts about the dangerous enigma of a stranger out of his restless mind and focus on the matter at hand. That 'matter' being his supposed confrontation with his staffs that awaited him.

The club was almost empty of guests now, which would've been strange if not for the fact that it was already announced beforehand that Sinners' will shut down rather early for that night and that any and all one-on-one 'meetings' with any of the dancers in the club were cancelled for that night.

Suffice to say, most of the 'guests' weren't much happy with the announcements but it's not like Taehyung gave a damn about what they thought of his club. Nah, not at all. In fact, the blunette was quite amused to see those perverted little geezers' disgruntled expressions and unsatisfied frowns after they were made aware of how their perverted fantasies wouldn't get to be fulfilled that night; though he very much did not enjoy the loud cursing or the empty and not-quite-empty threats hurled towards HIS club.

Oh, Taehyung was shivering to his boots in fear!

As if. He would never bend down to the wills of those perverted bast**ds. It was his club and he would run it in his own ways! He wasn't just going to abandon his own set of morals and ideals just to satisfy those perverted little group of mobs, no matter how very feared or influential they might be. Taehyung was a little reckless like that. But he had his reasons. He knew from experience as well as from the memories of his fictional counterpart that he himself was no less influential than those little mobs running around his club and also had a good set of strings connecting him to some very shady but useful characters- courtesy of his little games and overactive sex-life- that he can easily pull at to get something done. Not to mention all the juicy information that he was privy to that would easily and efficiently shut up all those geezers in just a flick of his fingers.

So yes, Kim Taehyung knew the power he held and also, how his 'guests' were just all talk and empty threats with no real bite behind their spat curses and hurled threats. Truth be told, no one would ever dare to do anything to Sinners for it's formidable master alone. If not for Kim Taehyung's endlessly long string of influential contacts, than definitely for the said blunette's devilishness.

Another personality trait that Taehyung shared with his fictional counterpart- their shared efficiency to control others and bend them to their wills. It was getting quite scary how much similarities he and fictional Taehyung shared in certain aspects. Especially the psychological ones, Taehyung thought in morbid amusement.

Hm, not like Taehyung was complaining. It did make his job of dealing with such perverted a$$holes a lot easier, now, that he knew he can be himself and treat them however and whatever way he desired.

So yeah, their 'special' guests had to leave after that, once Taehyung made an actual appearance before them to inquire about their issues. Didn't even put up any resistance then. Cowards.

Taehyung had really underestimated his power and influence in this new world, huh? He expected a little more resistance than those menial threats and curses from those perverted mob bosses if he was being honest. But he was happy nonetheless. He wouldn't have to exhaust his resources just yet, it seems. Good. Taehyung could save them for later instances then.

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