Recreating the Plot

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"Shit, shit, shit, F**K!" Taehyung cursed out loudly, running a hand through his luscious blue locks in frustration. His whole body has become tenser than ever as a result of the panic that has now settled heavily between his very bones, gripping at the edges of his flurried mind. How f**king sweet.

The thought of losing his single and only chance at freedom from all the messy situations planned for him in the future as per the plot of the sh*tty novel he has unfortunately transmigrated into had Taehyung almost go mad with panic. He might've felt a little guilty about not feeling that bad about the angelic protagonist's death as he was supposed to feel if he wasn't that panicked over his own 'situation', but to hell with that. It wasn't like Taehyung knew Park Jihoon personally. And frankly, he was done with feeling guilty for things that was never even his to feel guilty about.

Therefore that left Taehyung here, pacing furiously in his still glass-littered chamber with an eerily quiet Park Jimin observing the blunette from the latter's position on the couch. Come to think of that, Jimin was actually quite calm since this whole revealation-of-the-protagonist's-death and consequently the-implication-of-the-now-f**ked-up-plot ordeal. Too calm even... Surprisingly so.

Surprising since Jimin himself was a transmigrator like Taehyung and therefore ought to be as afraid and panicked as the blunette too since Park Jihoon- Jimin's fictional brother- was literally their only ticket to avoid any possible consequences of the plot of the novel they currently found themselves to be a part of. Not to mention the fact that Jimin actually arrived in this world before Taehyung himself and therefore ought to have had some personal bonding with his fictional brother too.

Which just made his eerily calm demeanor about the whole fictional-brother's-death thing a whole lot more shocking... Suspicious even.

AHHHHHH! So much confusion!!! Moving on from Jimin's suspiciously unbothered attitude about Park Jihoon's death, there was also the fact that with Park Jihoon's untimely death, the plot most definitely is going to go to sh*t now. Taehyung couldn't even begin to imagine the various ways everything could go wrong from here on in this world- and consequently, his new life too- now that one of the most important- if not THE most important- character of the novel have died. 

Bloody merciless f**k, even thinking about those possibilities made Taehyung want to wrench himself out of the nearby window- and if possible, out of this stupid a$$ novel too.

"Oh God... We're surely going to die in this god-foresaken novel now. Bloody hell, how come it's always me who has to suffer from these obscenely unfair consequences which I've never even engaged myself with?! That too in each f**king life?! This is so freaking unfair to me!!!" The distressed blunette cried out in anger before resuming his furious pacing and even more furious brainstorming.

Jimin, for his part, felt pretty bad for the blunette since he knew very well what happened to Taehyung's character in the original novel. But even then, he couldn't bring himself to actually feel bad for his supposed brother's death. Especially not after everything he has learnt about the supposed 'angelic' protagonist in his short time in this world.

But still, Jimin thought morosely to himself as his too-dangerously-enamoured eyes settled on the lasciviously lithe and elegantly svelte physique of his newly found transmigration buddy, Taehyung doesn't know that. And surely, his little revealations about the supposed 'angelic and perfect' protagonist wouldn't do much to help him tackle through the now unforeseeable consequences that they surely must have to face in the future due to the absence of Park Jihoon, the most important one of the protagonists.

Not to mention, it would be his fault too...

Especially since-

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