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Hoseok locks the front door to his apartment with a smile etched into his face. Finally something good had occurred this morning. He had almost completely forgotten about the fact that his sleep had been interrupted so early, and that his initial breakfast plans had gone to shit.

What exactly is this good thing that had occurred? Well you see, moments after he had finished eating his scrambled eggs, Hoseok received a phone call from his supervisor. He expected it to be something about going into work early today but in fact it was something completely different.

His boss had given him the day off. Apparently both of his fellow coworkers had called in sick, which would have meant that Hoseok would be completely by himself and according to his works policy if more than one person called in sick that would automatically make the dancing studio close for the day. Sounds crazy and unrealistic doesn't it? Well, Hoseok thinks so too, but that's just the way things go in that specific studios business.

As Hoseok exits the building he can't help but notice how beautiful it looked outside today. The sun was barely peeking from behind the clouds. The birds were chirping. The air was somewhat warm, but not too warm. It seemed like today wasn't going to be a bad day after all.

And so, after popping his Ear buds into his ears, turning on some inspiring tunes and mentally preparing himself, Hoseok began to jog.

However, his jog was eventually cut short, and it wasn't due to the usual roadblock such as construction or an accident no. It was a body. A man who appeared to be around his age was laying on his stomach, sprawled out and flat on the ground. There wasn't any blood, or at least there didn't appear to be any blood on him, but he still looked well, Dead.

"What the fuck- hello?" Hoseok quickly removes his earbuds, then glances in every direction to check the scene for any danger before getting closer to the unconscious male. Although he was trained in CPR, Hoseok wasn't sure if chest compressions were the appropriate thing to administer in this sort of situation. The guy was obviously unconscious there was no doubt there, but how would Hoseok know if it was due to cardiac arrest or a heart attack.

"Hey," Hoseok gets on the ground beside the man, poking the male's cheek to see if he can get some sort of response. But he receives nothing. "Hello-"

Hoseok once again reaches out towards the guy's cheek, but before his finger can come in contact with the other male's soft skin the stranger lets out a loud gasp and his eyes shoot open.

"Who the fuck are you?" The stranger says in a confused tone, promptly sitting up from his position as he begins to attempt to stand up.

"Who the fuck am I?" Hoseok answers, "who the fuck are you?" He retorts.

But the man doesn't answer. At least not right away. He sits there for a while, possibly contemplating on whether or not he should state his name. But what was the harm in doing so? At least that's what Hoseok thought.

"Yoongi. My name is Yoongi" he eventually answers in a fatigued manner whilst rubbing his temples.


He doesn't know how he ended up here passed out on a sidewalk in the middle of town. The last event he can recall is getting into a fight with his boyfriend, Namjoon, and storming off to cool down before everything suddenly went black. He can barely even remember what the argument was about too.

"Are you okay?" An unfamiliar voice rips him from his thoughts, or at least the voice was unfamiliar before today.

"You said your name was Yoongi right?" The voice fills Yoongi's ears once more, prompting him to look up and fix his gaze on the source of the sound.

"Yeah." He responds lazily, before finally settling his eyes on Hoseok's face after getting a good look at him.

"Well Yoongi," Hoseok begins, "do you know why you're here, or how you ended up here?"

"Not a clue."

"Great." The younger male comments sarcastically.

It was partially the truth though, Yoongi couldn't completely remember why he was here in the first place, but he wasn't going to say yeah so I got into a fight last night and as I was running away everything suddenly went black, that sounded like such a shitty explanation, plus it wasn't any of the other guy's business anyway.

"I was taking a morning walk but I got tired so I laid down on the concrete and fell asleep." Yoongi lies. Hoseok immediately narrows his eyes and furrows his brows before letting out a scoff.


He knows it was a complete lie because who the fuck does that? Who the fuck decides to get up in the morning, go outside and suddenly go "hey I'm tired let me just lay my ass here on the sidewalk and take a nice ass nap, who cares about the possibility of being assaulted, not me that's for sure" Hoseok thinks to himself.

Yoongi can't help but laugh in response to the younger male's comment. He knew the other guy would probably see right through him but it was still worth a shot.

"All right, you wanna know the truth?" Yoongi gains the attention of the younger male once more, earning a curious nod in response.

"I got into a fight with my boyfriend." Yoongi admits in a whisper. Honestly, he doesn't even know what prompted him to reveal the truth in the end after all, but he felt like he just needed to get it off of his chest or else he'd just feel worse about the whole situation.

Hoseok can't help but feel bad. In fact, He doesn't even know what to say at the revelation of such an unfortunate situation. What if his answer sounded too fake? Too formal or casual? Gosh he was really over thinking this whole thing too much.

But eventually he finally settled on "sorry to hear that." Which only earns him a sigh in return. It was completely understandable though, what else was he expecting the other male to say? But anyway,

After exchanging a brief moment of silence Yoongi eventually starts to stand up.

"Well, you can go now I'm fine and can get myself home" he states in a relatively normal manner. But Hoseok shakes his head in response.

"Oh hell no, you were practically dead, at least allow me to take you home and offer you some water. I don't live too far from here. "

"No I'm fine really-"

"No" Hoseok argues.

Eventually the older male gives in and takes the offer. Hey it's free water and Hoseok didn't seem like the type of guy who would take you home and murder you. But at the same time it is rather stupid to put that much trust into someone you've barely just met.

Oh well.

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