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Hoseok releases a shaky, anxiety laced sigh as he studies his reflection in the bathroom mirror for what felt like the thousandth time.

He looks absolutely terrible. His dark circles are more prominent than usual, his complexion lacks its usual radiant glow.

In layman's terms he feels like absolute ass.

No matter how much he analyzed the situation He couldn't even explain why he was so damn nervous.

For fucks sake He was just getting coffee. He wasn't giving a presentation in front of a thousand people. He wasn't proposing and he most certainly was not asking anyone out.

So why was he sweating so much? Why was he practically out of breath? Dizzy and unable to calm down? He sure as hell would have liked to know.

But for now, he had other issues to deal with.

Yoongi was waiting out there for him, all alone in the booth probably wondering what the hell was going on with Hoseok.

They had been sitting in the booth for less than five minutes when Hoseok was suddenly hit with an intense urge to use the restroom. So of course he immediately excused himself and rushed to the nearest bathroom which was located at the other end of the Cafe.

He had spent the last fifteen minutes or so splashing his face with cold water from the faucet while fighting the urge to puke, and honestly it didn't seem like this was going to end anytime soon.

He felt pathetic. Absolutely pathetic.

He had spent the past week mentally preparing himself for this day too.

Every night he told himself "you'll be all right, you're just going out with a friend it's nothing to get so anxious about"

But shit like this happened every fucking time and no amout of medication, meditation or therapy seemed to work.

His shitty sleeping schedule was probably the culprit, yeah that had to be it.

Oh who was he kidding? It was everything.

His lifestyle. His eating habits, his sleeping habits, anything else that affected him mentally and physically.

And instead of working on it like a normal, sane person, he just told himself that things would eventually get better, without actually putting in any effort towards better results.

Damn he's insane isn't he? The thing is, He just doesn't want to admit it.

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Yoongi finds himself staring at his lap during the first few minutes of Hoseok's absence. Or it's more like he alternates between staring down at his thighs and checking the time on his phone.

There really wasn't much else that he could do except wait.

But it sure was taking a long time, and he was beginning to feel somewhat concerned about the other male.

However, he also didn't want to rush Hoseok and he didn't want to go into the bathroom and step in right as he was taking a dump or something like that. That would be awkward as hell.

But at the same time what if Hoseok had fainted or even died? How was he supposed to know if he was all right?

"Are you ready to order?"

A woman's voice suddenly interrupts him from his racing thoughts. He jumps a bit in his seat, startled from the sudden, unexpected appearance of another human being in the room.

Shit, what does he do? What does he say? Hoseok isn't back yet. He can't order for him he doesn't even know what he likes. And it would be rude if Yoongi just went ahead and ordered for himself.

"No not yet. Thank you." He responds in a kind tone, hoping that the anxiety in his voice wasn't as painfully obvious as he imagined it to be. Well that was easier than he thought.

"All right. Take your time." She smiles, Yoongi replicates the gesture as well before she leaves the table and Yoongi is left all alone again with his troubling thoughts.

Once more, he double taps the black screen of his phone, less than a second later the current time is displayed near the top portion of the same screen.

Twenty minutes.

It had been Twenty minutes since Hoseok had left.

It's not that Yoongi was growing impatient. It's just that it had been Twenty minutes since Hoseok had gone to the restroom, and Twenty minutes in the restroom is a very very very long time.

A lot could happen in Twenty minutes. That's enough time to watch one episode of an anime. Damn.

"Oh my gosh I am so so sorry." Hoseok's nervous, apologetic tone suddenly tears Yoongi from his mind. He hadn't even noticed that Hoseok had come near him.

"No no worries, are you all right though?" Yoongi responds. Hoseok quickly situates himself within the booth, sitting across from Yoongi once again before answering.

Hoseok had two choices.

One. Be completely honest and tell Yoongi that he doesn't feel well and just wants to go home and cry.

Or two. Lie.

Tell Yoongi that he's totally fine, there was just a long line in the restroom and he couldn't really do anything about it except wait.

Option number two was more socially acceptable, Option one on the other hand, not so much.

He goes with Option two.

And yes, he does end up regretting that decision. Very much.

However it is also because of this stupid decision that he learns how he is not alone in this world.

Everyone's got issues. We're just too afraid to show it.

to be continued...

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