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As he exited the apartment complex and began his journey back home, Yoongi stared down at the brightly lit screen of his phone with a barely noticeable grin situated upon his face. He had made a friend today. Who would have thought that something like that would happen to him, especially because he felt like he was so incredibly socially awkward and unable to form any sort of relationships.

He still always wondered how someone like him could end up with someone like Namjoon. Someone so smart, kind, funny and really freaking attractive. He didn't deserve him. Really he didn't. Yoongi felt so boring and unattractive compared with Namjoon.

And despite the other male constantly reminding him about what an exceptional human being he was, he still felt like it wasn't true. He still constantly felt like an irrelevant piece of lonely trash.

However at this moment, this current moment where he was walking down the street of this boring old looking town, Yoongi felt acknowledged. He felt noticed. He felt wanted.

He really hoped that Hoseok wasn't a bad person. Otherwise he'd have no choice but to block him and forget him. And for some reason Yoongi really hoped that he wouldn't have to do that.

Because this was the first time in a long time, more like the first time in forever that he had found a potential friend. The last friend he had was back in high school and unfortunately that person had ghosted him for years now, so he was pretty salty about that and felt like he was probably going to be alone for the rest of his life.

There was a big difference between having a boyfriend and a friend though that's for sure. And he didn't know what he would do if he lost Namjoon. Because then he would be completely and utterly alone.


Yoongi quietly enters his humble abode with a bright smile now plastered upon his face and his phone still located in his hand. After shutting and locking the door behind him though, that smile partially fades when he takes a moment to see the depressing sight standing before his eyes.

He fixes his gaze on various portions of the room. The floor was littered with trash, a plethora of empty soju bottles and empty bags of chips decorated the apartment. Multiple articles of clothing, namely sweaters and socks were also scattered throughout the living room.

It wasn't until now when Yoongi realized that his apartment was incredibly dirty. In comparison to Hoseok's apartment, this place was a complete dump.

It sort of made him feel upset with himself. Sure Namjoon was somewhat just as responsible as him, but he was the one who left most of this stuff scattered throughout the room.

When he would leave the trash sitting there he usually thought nothing of it, but now that he was seeing it from afar he realized that it was so much more than just a few little pieces of trash.

Before performing the process of a deep cleaning, The first thing he does is go into the kitchen and wash his hands. He then grabs a quick snack, something that would fill him up with just enough energy to clean for what would be the next few hours, and decided to go on his phone for a bit.

He contemplated sending Hoseok a message but he figured it was too early in the friendship to do that.

The process of deep cleaning the living room took about four hours, Yoongi had kept track on his phone the whole time. About halfway through he wanted to quit and just told himself that he could never live in a clean house but something in the back of his mind told him to power through.

And so four hours later, he was proudly standing in the middle of an immaculate, pristine looking room.

The floor looked spotless, completely free of scattered trash and other various items before. Now all that was left was the kitchen, but that would have to happen another day because right now Yoongi was in desperate need of a nice long nap. Namjoon would probably be home in a few hours, so he could sleep until then.

After entering the somewhat messy looking bedroom, without a second thought Yoongi throws himself onto the bed and allows himself to sink into the puffy comforter. He lies down on his back emitting a fatigued groan and stares up at the ceiling for a while before eventually drifting off to sleep.

The next time he opens up his eyes, it is because he is woken up to the sensation of someone pressing their lips against his, followed by a series of kisses along his face and neck. Well it looks like Namjoon was finally home.

to be continued...

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