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With a small, nervous gulp, Hoseok fixes an anxious gaze on the pastel pink concoction that was currently sitting on the wooden surface of the table, staring back at him. The drink looked absolutely adorable, there was no doubt about it. Super Instagram worthy to be incredibly honest. Hoseok just hopes that it tastes as good as it looks. That is, If he's even given a chance to take a sip.

The urge to puke was still sort of there, lingering in the back of his mind and throat, but Hoseok was also doing everything in his power to distract himself and settle down his turbulent gastrointestinal system.

Meanwhile Yoongi, on the other hand, was far too busy watching the server carefully place his Iced Americano onto the table right beside Hoseok's Pink Drink to even take notice of the situation occurring before him.

After the older male gets a good look at them, studying almost every aspect of their appearance, the image of the two incredibly different drinks almost makes him want to laugh.

The pink drink looks so well... pink and the Iced Americano seems so plain and almost boring.

Two very different aesthetics that still made a beautiful combination nonetheless.

The server flashes them both another warm smile before leaving the table and finally allowing both males to reach for their respective drinks. However, before Yoongi is able to grab his, he is interrupted by the sound of Hoseok whispering a quick "wait."

Almost immediately, Yoongi retracts his hand.

"What? What? What's wrong?"

"I want to take a picture," Hoseok quickly begins to reach for his phone lying face down on his side of the table, once he retrieves the device he immediately slides it open to the camera application, before then snapping a few pics of the two beverages.

Yoongi can't help but let out a small chuckle as he watches the male sitting in front of him, looking so engrossed in capturing a moment that probably wouldn't even matter to him in a few hours.

However, despite the rather sad realization, he lets it happen anyway. Because even though he isn't snapping pictures of his own on his phone, he's still capturing memories of his own with his mind. He's still taking in the experience, the moment.

"Oh I'm definitely posting this on the gram." Hoseok states in an excited whisper to himself, though to be quite honest it's a little too loud to truly be considered a whisper since Yoongi could still clearly discern what the other was saying. But dear Lord was it funny as hell. Who the fuck calls it 'the gram'? If Hoseok's intention was to be funny he was definitely succeeding. The cringe was very real though.

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