C H A P T E R 12

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After she woke up, she took a quick shower and hid a bit the marks her uncle left on her body the night before. She decided to wear a blue swimsuit with a pair of meshed shorts and an open shirt.

She texted on the Pogues group chat to
know where they could hang out but John B was busy and Kiara working at the wreck. About Pope and JJ, they were down for it.

The boys told her to meet them at their favorite surf spot so she walked there. She saw far away Kelce and Topper so before they got the chance to see her, she avoided them and stepped in another street.

Once she arrived, she barely had the time to drop down her surfboard that Pope pulled her in for a hug. "Cal! We missed you!"

"Hey I missed you too," she hugged him back with her tiny arms.

"How did it go? we wanna know everything," the boy added, letting go of her as she walked towards JJ.

"Yeah but spare us insignificant details and just tell us if you got in," the blonde boy spoke, as she rolled eyes and gave him a quick hug too.

The three of them sat on their surfboards and Callie went ahead "I don't know if they want me cause they'll tell me later, but it's pretty promising," she drew forms in the sand with her fingers.

The boys congratulated their friend and talked about how California's waves looked so good to surf. If only they knew what happened in those waves.

"How about you boys? What did you do?"

"Besides surfing, sharing blunts and hearing Kiara complaining about the Kooks or the ecology? nothing," JJ stated, sarcastic, to what the two other bursted out in laugh.

"Jay I really need a blunt right now," said Callie, to what he winked at her.

"Y'know who you're talking to," he lighted a blunt, took a first drag of it and handed it to her.

She laid down on the sand and enjoyed being with her friends, laughing and smoking a bit. Of course Pope didn't smoke but it was fine, he wanted to keep the signal clear as he said.

They surfed for about an hour, until they got tired and headed back the sand. Pope got a call from his dad and had to pick this one up. He walked away from Callie and JJ, leaving the pair alone for a little while.

"How's it going with your dad?" she asked, cause she noticed earlier his bruised body.

"Nothing new" he only answered, not looking at her.

"Jay you can't keep doing this. Talk to me please, and I'll help you"

JJ took a deep breath "It's his way to show me he loves me"

Callie couldn't believe it. Not later than last night, it's what James had told her. Except she knew it was fake. For JJ it was apparently different.

She got closer to him, sat next to him and noticed tears in his eyes. She knew how broken he was so she just stayed silent and he laid his head on her shoulder.

She rubbed the back of his head. "James told me this yesterday while hitting me. Don't believe it. That's anything but love"

"He did? You should have called me"

"You've already got many problems JJ. I don't wanna be one more on the list"

He rubbed her arm and she had to admit she missed the moments when it was just the two of them.

"He loves me I know he does"

"Yes JJ he does, probably even a lot, but by hitting you he doesn't show you any kind of love"

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