Strange Places and Learning to Cope.

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Serena’s POV

“It’s been three days. We have to do something. She can’t just lay in there and wallow forever.” Rei whispered. My friends spoke in hushed tones, but not so hushed that I couldn’t hear them.

“It won’t be forever. It’ll just be until Darien gets back.”

“Yeah, which could be tomorrow, next week, next month, or even next year. She hasn’t moved from that bed since we brought her home. She hasn’t spoken a word, and she hasn’t eaten or drank anything.” Mina stated.

“You guys are right, but what are we going to do?” I heard the concern in Ami’s voice, and it hurt me to know that I was making them worry, but it didn’t hurt bad enough to make me get up.  

I heard footsteps coming into my room. I closed my eyes tightly to try to keep the tears from coming again. Why can’t they just leave me alone? I don’t want to think about it. I don’t want to talk. I laid there expecting Rei to yank the covers off of my body. Instead, I felt someone sit down on the bed. She must’ve motioned for the door to be closed because I heard it creak as it was pulled shut.

“Serena?” It was Lita. Her voice was kind and soft. She pulled the blanket off of my head and gently pushed the hair from my face. “Look at me. Please?” I opened my eyes, but I couldn’t make myself look at her face. It was nice of her to try so hard. I had only seen her be this nice and sensitive to children. “We are all very worried about you. I know you know that. Even Rei is concerned at this point. I can’t even begin to understand what you’re feeling, and I won’t try to. I don’t want to know… But Serena, you are needed. We can’t fight the Negaverse without you. We wouldn’t stand a chance.”

I swallowed hard, “So you want me to get up and help you fight? You want me up out of this bed because I need to save your lives? You aren’t in danger right now. Good try, Lita.” I flipped over onto my other side.

“We aren’t in danger at this moment, but we could be. It isn’t just to save us either. It’s to save a world. And whether you like it or not, it’s your job. Darien will be back. He wouldn’t just leave you forever. You know that. Until he returns, you are going to have to suck it up and rely on someone other than him. I know we aren’t your soul mates, but we love you. You can pull your strength from us. We are going to help you get through this, but Serena you have to put in a little effort here. I’m going to make lunch for everyone. It will be ready in twenty minutes. I expect to see you sitting at the table.” She hugged me, even though I just laid on the bed, stiff. “If you are not out there, I’m sending in Rei.”

I sighed. I knew she was right, but I was hurting. Not just in my heart, but I physically ached. She closed the door, and I put my face into my pillow and cried once more. How dare you leave me, Tuxedo…


Darien’s POV

I walked at a swift pace toward the place marked on my map. The streets of this city confused me and the amount of people crowded on the sidewalks made it hard to maneuver. I passed by several shops that reeked of coffee, and almost everyone I passed had a phone pressed to their ears. The lights from the billboards and show signs lit up all around me. I stopped and looked at the nearest sign next to me. Gershwin Theatre… I have another couple of blocks till I reach The Hard Rock Café. I pressed forward and saw blonde hair out of the corner of my eye. My heart skipped a beat and I turned my head quickly to see the girl. I knew it wasn’t her, but I still looked with hope, and my heart ached with disappointment when I didn’t see her there. I hope she doesn’t hate me too much for this. I miss you, Serena.


Serena’s POV


A week had passed since Lita gave me her pep talk. I was now eating and drinking again, watching television, and partaking in regular, everyday conversations. My friends were all very pleased that I was “back to my normal self” as Mina put it. I didn’t feel like it though. I felt empty. Hollow. Half the time I didn’t even actually feel like I was really speaking or moving. My actions felt like a cycle. I was just going through the motions to keep them all from worrying so much. It seemed to be working well enough. I grabbed my coat and started for the door.

Luna jumped onto my shoulder, “Where are you going, Serena?” I picked her up and sat her on the ground.

“I just need some fresh air. I’m going to take a walk.”

I saw doubt and worry flood her eyes, “Okay, but be careful. Things have been too peaceful here lately. I am expecting an attack at any moment.”

Mina spoke from her spot on the couch, “Oh, you worry too much Luna. Having a week or two of nothing bad happening is a blessing, not a bad omen.” I nodded in agreement and walked out the door.

I found myself outside the door of Darien’s place, but I had trouble motivating myself to go in. You have to do this. He may have left a clue behind. Maybe you can find him… I unlocked the door with my key, and I walked in. His place was a disaster. Books were laying all over the floor, dishes were still placed in the sink, and when I walked into his room I saw half of his wardrobe sprawled across his floor. He left in a big hurry wherever he went. I walked over and sat on his side of the bed. I felt tears well up in my eyes, but I fought them away. I looked up and saw a piece of paper laying on the nightstand with my name on it.


          I know you aren’t going to understand why I am doing this. You can’t know right now. It is for your own good, and not just yours, but everyone’s. I have a responsibility to protect you and the other Scouts. I have a lead on something that could be vital in us defeating the Negaverse, but I have to travel a long ways to get to it.

I promise you, as soon as I can I will come home. I know you, Serena. You can’t shut down. You can’t stop being Sailor Moon. This world needs you. And your friends need you. Lita, Mina, Rei, Ami, Luna, Artemis. You have to protect them. You are the leader. I know you have never really felt like one, but you are. You are the glue that holds us all together, not me. Be mad at me. Hate me if you have to, but don’t stop doing your job. I am counting on you, Moon Princess. I love you more than words could ever express.

Be safe my love,


            Tears hit the paper as I struggled to catch my breath. I folded it up and placed it in my pocket. I am mad at you… I don’t understand, but I know you are right… Which makes me even madder. I got up and walked back to the girls. Time to swallow my pride and move forward. He is smart. He is strong. He can protect himself. I have a duty to those who can’t, and those who I don’t want to see hurt. I opened the door and walked in to see everyone crowded around Ami’s laptop.

“What’s up you guys?”

“It’s time to fight. You ready to go, Sailor Moon?” Rei asked.

“You betcha.”

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