New Allies

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Darien’s POV

My new lead led me to a place in what the locals called The Bronx. I walked down alleyways and saw several people huddled around trash bins with fires burning in them. I kept my head down, so I wouldn’t bring attention to myself. Supposedly, New York City had been experiencing strange happenings like the ones back home, like the Negaverse. I felt nervous as I walked to the newly marked building on my map. I wouldn’t have Sailor Moon and the other Scouts to help out if something went wrong. Maybe I should’ve brought a couple of them and one of the cats along.

I made it to the building, and slowly opened the door to go inside. I looked around and saw where the wall paper had started to peel off. It was dark, but I could see the dust piled up on the shelves, and I could tell that the place hadn’t been inhabited for several years. I walked around and listened carefully for any signs of life. I turned sharply to my left when I thought I saw a shadow flicker out of the corner of my eye. Keep it together, man. Suddenly, I was thrown across the room and I landed hard against the wall. I looked where the pain was coming from. A tentacle had attached itself over my heart. I cried out in pain and struggled to pull it off, but its grip was too tight.

“Hello, Tuxedo Mask. So nice of you to stop by and visit.”

            I struggled through the pain to speak, “How… You can’t be… We defeated… you.”

            The creature, identical to the last one I helped the girls kill, let out a slight chuckle, “That was my sister. We are just two of the many that make up our kind.” The tentacle tightened its grip. I screamed and my vision started to go blurry.

            Great… This how it’s going to end. I try to help save the world, and then I get killed by an ugly sucky thing. I pulled harder on the tentacle, but the more I pulled the worse the pain became. The creature stepped closer until she was inches from my face. “I knew something had happened to my sister the moment she died. We are all connected in an amazing way. Our thoughts can travel to one another from thousands of miles away. We can even feel each other’s pain, if it is strong enough. I want you to feel the pain that I felt when you and your little friends silenced her!”

I had begun to breathe faster, and I could feel the sweat running down my forehead. The creature lifted her hand touched her nails to my face. She dug in deep, and I cried and squirmed to get away as she drug her hand across my cheek. I felt the blood run down my face.

“Did that hurt? Oh, well we are just getting started.” A large grin spread across her face as she drug her hand down my chest and across my stomach.

Between the pain of her claws and the pain in my heart, my world had started to fade to black. I’m sorry, Serena… I love you… I closed my eyes and thought of her beautiful face. I didn’t want my last thought to be tainted by the image of this monster. I felt her place her hands on my shoulders.

“This so much fun… Wouldn’t you say?”

“Hey! Step away from him!” I heard a voice, and I recognized it.

The creature stood. I tried to look around the dark room to find the face of the voice, but my vision was almost completely blurry, and I kept blacking out. I heard several footsteps running towards me. I heard something sound like it was being swung, and then the creature cried out in pain and the pressure on my chest was gone. I felt someone touch my hand. I looked and saw a blurred image of a woman “Tuxedo, its Neptune. Just hang on.” Then my world went black…

Serena’s POV

“Well that was a fun little battle. That took like what? Five minutes?” Rei placed her arms behind her head as we walked back to our home.

Mina elbowed me in the side, “It would’ve been even shorter if this klutz hadn’t have fallen into those bushes making the noise while we were spying.”

I shoved her back playfully and said, “I’m just glad it’s over. Can we get some food?”

Everyone stopped to look at me. They all had huge smiles across their faces. “There’s the Serena we know and love.” Ami hugged me tightly.

Rei looked at Lita as we all started walking to our favorite restaurant, “I told you her stomach would win out over her feelings.”

I looked at them, feeling very confused. I had been trying my hardest to act normal since Darien left. I thought I was doing a very convincing act. “What are you guys talking about? I’ve been me. My normal, klutzy, food loving, whiney self.”

We walked through the door and sat at our favorite table. “No. You have been your normal, ‘I’m trying to fool my best friends into thinking I am my okay and my world isn’t totally falling apart’ self. We have known you long enough to tell the difference, Serena.” Lita gave a sympathetic smile. “We really wish you would’ve just been honest with us.”

I should’ve known that I couldn’t trick them. “Then why did you guys go along with it? Why didn’t you say something?”

Ami shrugged, “We just thought you would talk to us about it when you were ready. We didn’t want to push you too hard.”

I nodded. We ate our food, talked about life, and made jokes at one another’s expense then we headed home. I was preparing for bed when I looked out my window and saw one bright star. It was the only one visible in the entire sky. I closed my eyes. I wish that Darien would remain safe, wherever he is. I also wish he would hurry up and come home already. I opened my eyes when I heard a knock on the door.

“Hey, can I come in?” Rei asked. She stood very still, and I could tell she was serious.

I don’t like serious Rei. She always makes good points. “Yeah. Sure.”

We both walked to my bed and sat down. She looked like she was struggling for words. She kept fidgeting with her hands. “Serena… I just want to see if you… Needed to talk. I will be glad to listen to you.”

I smiled. It takes a lot for her to be nice to me. “That’s okay. I’ll be alright Rei. Really. I promise.”

She nodded, and pulled me in tightly for a hug. “He’s coming back. I know it, but in the meantime, I’ll help you look for him.” She let me go and whispered, “We just can’t tell the others. They would never let us go if we found him.”

I fought back tears, and I smiled at my friend. “Deal.”

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