Mystery, Mayhem, and Melancholy

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Darien's POV

I marched quickly down the steps, trying hard to avoid running into any of the girls, especially Serena. I needed time to pack my things before I left for my journey after the meeting, and I only had a few hours left. I didn't have time to waste. As I reached the bottom steps of the apartment building, I ran into Lita.

            "I'm sorry. Oh, hey Darien," she said with a smile.

My thoughts raced. I am a terrible liar, but I had to try. "Hey Lita, how are you?"

Lita turned her head to the side, "I'm great. Are you okay? You seem a little off. Is it Serena?" Her eyes furrowed together with concern.

How could she have known something was wrong out of such simple small talk? I tried to smile, "No. Everything is fine. I am just in a bit of hurry. That's all." I eased past her out the door and out into the street.

"Okay, I'll see you later."

I didn't say that I would see her later because that would have been a lie. I started off down the sidewalk towards the meeting place. I checked my watch for the time. How can I do this to them? To her? I shook my head and pushed my concerns away. I knew what I had to do. There's just no other way.

Serena's POV

"Oh come on, Serena. Get up." I heard Rei's voice drift into my ears. Instead of opening my eyes, I rolled over and pulled the covers over my head. "I don't think so." I felt someone's hands grab my feet. I tried to kick myself loose, but the grip was too tight. "One... Two..." Why me? "Three!" I felt my body being drug off of the foot of the bed, and then I connected with the floor.

"Ouch," I whined, "Rei, you are so mean... Can't a girl catch some beauty sleep around here?" I looked up at my friend who was standing over me, arms folded.

"I think twelve hours is enough, and honestly Serena, if you still aren't beautiful after all the sleeping that you do, another hour isn't going to help." I heard Lita and Ami's laughter from the kitchen.

I laid my face on the floor and moaned. I can't wait until the day Darien and I are married, so I won't have to wake up to such incessant rudeness every morning. Speaking of my masked man... "Have any of you guys seen Darien?" I stood up and followed Rei into the kitchen. Ami sat at the table reading a book, with Luna perched on her shoulder. Mina was holding Artemis in her lap, and Lita stood over the stove making breakfast.

"Yeah, actually. I ran into him on my way back from my morning run. He said he was in a hurry and then he left," Lita said as she waved the cooking utensil that was in her hand.

I sat down at the table. Darien didn't mention having to do anything this morning to me. I wonder where he could be. My stomach tightened.I sighed and put my head down on the table. Rei sat a plate of food down beside me, "I know what you are thinking, and stop it. There isn't another girl in his life. Why is that always your first assumption?"

"Because he could have anyone in the entire world that he wanted and he chose me. He is so amazing and heroic, and I am... Well, I am me." I dramatically placed my face in my hands.

Rei placed a hand on her shoulder, "You are whiney and insufferable,"

"A klutz and a dingbat," said Lita

"Constantly eating or sleeping," offered Luna.

"Extremely melodramatic," agreed Artemis.

I interrupted them, aggravation and desperation growing in my voice, "Do you all have a point?"

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