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Serena’s POV


“Thank you for choosing us for your travel needs. We hope you enjoyed your flight.” We all stood from our seats and started gathering our carry-on luggage.

Once we had our other suitcases, Pluto went to call some taxis to take us to our hotel.

“I know we are here on a mission to save the world, but do you think that we could do some tourist stuff after?” Ami asked, as we waited.

“Sounds like a plan to me,” Lita agreed. We are in New York City. This is pretty cool, but all I want to do is find Darien. After we made it to our rooms in our hotel, Sailor Pluto stepped out to, “Make a few phone calls.” She was gone for almost an hour when she finally walked through the door.

“So what did you find out? Did you find him?” I had knots in my stomach, expecting her to say no.

She smiled, “Yes, I did. He is fine. We are going to meet them now.”

Rei raised an eyebrow. “Them? There’s more than one Darien?”

“No, but he hasn’t been alone the whole time he’s been here. Come on, let’s go.”

Darien’s POV


“Listen up, Pretty Boy. We’ve got company coming.” Uranus walked in the room and sat down food in front of me.

I started unwrapping it. “Who is it? Pluto?” I took a huge bite. It’s about time. I was starving.

“Sort of. Her, and Serena and the other scouts.”

I sucked in and then started coughing. I struggled to catch my breath. Neptune came up behind me and started hitting my back. “Did you have to tell him when he had a mouthful of food?”

There was a knock at the door. Neptune left the room and Uranus stood calm with her arms crossed, waiting on my outrage.

After a five minute coughing battle, and a glass of water later, “WHAT DO YOU MEAN SERENA’S COMING HERE?!”

“Darien, calm down. First of all, who did you think was going to back us up with all these creatures? We three and Pluto would not be enough to get the job done. Surely you knew that they would be the ones to help.”

            “It doesn’t matter! The deal was she stayed home! She stayed safe! She’s always putting herself out there for everyone, for the whole world! I’m so sick of worrying about her every time she walks out the door! Call Pluto and tell her she can’t bring them here!” I slammed my fists down on the table.

            Uranus, still calm, took a step toward me. “It’s her job. It’s what she is meant to do. She is a protector of innocents. A punisher of evil. It’s in her nature, and she can’t control it. She has a need to help people. You know this. You know that you can’t control who she is or what she has to do.”

            “I have to try! I have to at least attempt to keep her safe! I wouldn’t be able to go on if something happened to her. I just can’t…” Serena.

Serena’s POV


Darien. I tried to speak, but my words were caught in my throat. I felt the hot tears welling up in my eyes.

            He took a step forward and reached out one hand to me, “Serena?”  

I stood still. I don’t know if I want to hug you or hit you… My tears finally escaped my eyes as I crossed to him. He opened his arms and I fell into them sobbing. “How… How…”

            He let me go and put my face in his hands. “Shh… Its okay. I’m alright. I’m fine.”

I pulled myself together, then pulled away. “How could you leave me? You’ve been gone for months without making a phone call or sending a letter! You could’ve gotten Sailor Pluto to relay a message, but no! You just leave me on a roof bawling my eyes out and then make zero effort to tell me you are okay!”

            “Alright… I think we should, um…” Rei started.

            “Yeah, that’s a good idea. We’ll just be in here if you need us.” Lita said as she pushed the others back through the door.

            “Serena, please… I was just trying to-“

I cut him off, “I know what you were trying to do. I heard your outburst with Uranus, but she’s right. This is what I am supposed to do. I can’t stop being Sailor Moon, and you can’t go off on secret missions to keep me from the duties of being Sailor Moon! You told me in your letter that I was a leader. These dangers are a part of that leadership! You said that you couldn’t go on if something happened to me, but I can’t imagine breathing if something…” I started crying and I turned my back to him.

“I’m sorry, Serena… I thought I could do this and it would take away some of the problems that you are always having to deal with.” I felt him put his arms around me. He rested his chin on my shoulder. “You are right. It is your responsibility, but you know, it is my responsibility to protect you. Let’s make a deal.” He turned me around to face him. He wiped the tears from my face and tilted my head up so I could look him in the eyes. “I won’t go off on my own for things like this, but you will always let me know when you and the scouts are going to go fight. That way I can always be there to fulfill my duties as the love of your life.”

“Oh, Darien…” I love you. I placed my hand on his cheek and leaned forward. My heart melted when our lips met. I could feel all my anxiety and fear wash away. It was great to be back in his arms.

“Alright, love birds. I hate to interrupt this lovely reunion, but we have work to do.” Mina said as she and the others piled back in the room.

I couldn’t help but smile. All of my favorite people were in one place again. “Okay, catch me up. What’s going on?”

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