chapter two.

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Third Person POV:

The Di Genova house was quiet.

Although the four brothers did not bother to speak to their baby sister, they were always hyper aware of her presence. Soft music would always be coming from the direction of her room, they would hear muffled comments she would make to herself when she was concentrating on whatever work she was completing and they would hear her silent sobs begging for her mother to come back.

They watched at a distance.

These sounds made up to be the only indicators that Dakoda was present in their home. She would rarely come out of her room and interact with anyone, not that there was anyone to interact with. In the beginning she tried, she really tried to figure out why her brothers were shutting her out, but to no avail. She sat outside their doors, she made them their favourite foods, she apologized even though she didn't know what she was apologizing for, and she clung to their legs begging them to acknowledge her but she was brushed off every single time.

Eventually she stopped trying.

How could the four brothers explain to her that it hurt to look at her, to be around her. Her eyes, a fusion of bright blue and dark green, exact replicas of their dead mothers, bore into their souls every time they stared at her little face. Her long midnight black hair teased them, and her mannerisms, her mannerisms took after their mother to a T. Little Dakoda was Arabella Di Genova's clone. Each brother unconsciously decided that ignoring their little sister would equal less pain for them, they were already struggling to make sure that the mafia their parents built would not come crashing down, they didn't need a distraction.

Dakoda was deemed a distraction.

What they failed to realize was that even though Dakoda was a certified genius and was wise beyond her years, she was still a child. A child who lost the only parental figure she had ever known, and her support system, her brothers, all in the same time span. She was spiralling from the hurt of the abandonment. She felt unloved and alone and it was consuming her. The Di Genova brothers leaned on one another to get through the heartbreak they faced when they lost their mother, they supported each other when mafia dealings became stressful, they used each other to slowly heal their wounds.

Dakoda did that all by herself.

Now she was gone, and the Di Genova brothers were in for a rude awakening. They would quickly realize just how much pain losing their little sister would bring them. They would realize just how searing abandonment felt, and they would realize just how big of a mistake they really made. The only problem?

They would realize a little too late.


Sorry, I know this was a very short chapter but it was necessary.

Until next time,

- Eliza

- Eliza

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