chapter fifteen.

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Third Person POV:


Alexander grabbed his glass of whiskey from his desk and threw it against the wall. It shattered on impact, its pieces joining the four other glasses that were broken on the floor.

"È scomparsa da quasi sei ore ormai! Ho dozzine di uomini per strada che la cercano. Stanno facendo il loro lavoro, quindi dimmi perché il mio hacker non può fare il suo cazzo di lavoro correttamente? Richiamami quando la trovi, o non richiamare affatto, inutile pezzo di merda!"

(She has been missing for almost six hours now! I have dozens of men out on the streets searching for her. They are doing their job, so tell me why my hacker can't do his fucking job properly? Call me back when you find her, or don't call back at all you useless piece of shit!)

Alex hung up the phone and slammed it down on the table, letting out a string of curses. He moved to grab another glass and filled it up to the brim with more whiskey. As he downed its contents, he paced back and forth in his office, running his hands through his hair in stress. It had been six excruciating hours.

Six hours since he landed in America, six hours since his wife signed the biggest deal the Italian Mafia has ever been a part of and six hours since he received a frantic phone call from his wife stating that someone was attacking her with gunshots ringing in the background.

Ti amo Alexander

Her last words before their call disconnected rang loudly in his mind. Panic gripped his chest and he felt like he was suffocating. He was used to the power that came with being the Italian Don but he wasn't used to the feeling of helplessness. He hadn't felt this helpless since Dakoda's disappearance. His panic only increased when thinking about his little sister. He already failed her and now he was inevitably failing his wife.

Pouring another couple shots of whiskey into his glass, he grabbed his phone and left his office. He was in desperate need of some air. He headed downstairs to the main room of the mansion they had bought for their stay in America. As he entered the room, he was met with his three brothers barking orders into their phones. Once they caught sight of their disgruntled older brother their eyes filled with sympathy. They quickly finished up their conversations and made their way over to Alexander.

Max was the first to reach him. He gently pried the glass of whiskey from Alex's hand and set it down on the table.

"We are going to find her, Alex." Max assured him, putting a hand on his brother's shoulder.

Alex shook his head. "I shouldn't have sent her anywhere alone." He gruffly whispered. "This is my fucking fault. If Ana isn't okay, I don't know what I'm going to do."

Gavino, Max and Rocco watched as their brother shook with emotion. The pain in his eyes was evident. They just didn't know how to help him. All of their men were out on the streets searching. It was now just a waiting game. A brutal waiting game.

So that's what the brother's did. They sat down and waited, phones sitting silently in front of them. Each one of them subconsciously dreading to lose another member of their family. Anastasia was the love of Alexander's life, his Donna, and she was like a sister to Gavino, Max, and Rocco. The four brothers couldn't help but get flashbacks to the last time someone in their family went missing. The pain in their hearts was familiar, it was the pain of the unknown.

The silence seemed to stretch on for hours as the boys became more and more restless. Alexander was smoking his third cigarette, Gavino was on his fourth glass of whiskey, Max was wearing holes into the carpet as he paced back and forth and Rocco's palms were practically bleeding from clenching his fists so tight. Suddenly Gavino's phone rang. The loud ringer jolting the heart of each brother. Gavino recognized the number of the security tower in front of their mansion. He hastily picked up the phone.

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