chapter seven.

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Reese POV:

Pria, Nico and I sat side by side on one of the couches in my dad's office. We were waiting for him to show up and explain the reasoning behind his call.

My dad's home office was huge. Since we were on the third floor, his left wall was all windows overlooking our 200 acre property. His desk sat in the upper middle section of the room with two seats in front of it and his large black chair that practically looked like a throne sitting behind it. Multiple couches surrounding a table were positioned to the right of the entrance, and to the left of the entrance lay a twenty person conference table.  The whole room was covered with a mix of browns and blacks, a modern but traditional design. His large wall on the right was my favourite part of the whole room.

He had every single one of my diplomas and business achievements framed and hung on the wall.

I would always catch him wiping them down and making sure they were perfectly straight. He is always so proud and supportive of me and he isn't afraid to show it. Just the thought of his love brought a smile to my face.

I was broken out of my thoughts when the large double doors flung open. My dad walked in looking very fancy. His hair was neatly combed to the side and his beard was freshly trimmed. He wore a black three piece suit fitted with dress shoes and a special Cryptic watch I designed for him. The watch gives him alerts, takes notes, replies to phone calls and messages, opens doors to any property we own, translates any language, detects suspicious people who are deemed a threat, scans people for weapons, and a whole lot more. The best part? It's tailored specifically for my dad so it would be completely useless in anyone else's hand.

Pria whistled. "Looking good Don!" She grinned in approval.

My dad took a seat in front of us and nodded at Pria. "Thank you Pria." He replied amusedly.

"Damn dad you meeting your girlfriend or something?" I questioned with a teasing smile on my face.

He rolled his eyes. "No Reese, I am not meeting my girlfriend because I do not have a girlfriend." He explained exasperatedly.

Nico, Pria and I looked at one another. Then we all turned back towards my dad and smirked.

"Sureeee." We all simultaneously replied.

He rolled his eyes once again before grabbing his laptop, putting it on the table in front of us and turning serious. "Okay on a more serious note, we have a huge deal and possible alliances on the table." He pulled out some papers and slid them towards me. I scanned the papers and stiffened.

"You're meeting up with the Italian and English Mafias." I blankly stated.

I could feel Pria and Nico tense on either side of me. I looked up at my dad to see him stiffly nodding. I could tell he was worried for me, he was scanning my face for some sort of reaction, trying to get a feel for my take on the situation.

"I think it's a great idea." I simply replied, putting the papers down.

I could sense the confusion in the room because Pria and Nico snapped their heads towards me, their gazes burning holes into the sides of my face and my dad furrowed his eyebrows. I kept looking at the floor.


"They abandoned me twelve years ago." I started. "And it's been ten years since I've seen them. We can't give up business deals because of personal problems, besides I've been over it for a long time now, the past is in the past. I've moved on, and they probably have too. The fact of the matter is, we can supply both the Italian Mafia and English Mafia with weapons. In return they can supply us with drugs."

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