chapter ten.

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Reese POV:

"So let me get this straight."

I was currently sitting in my home office on a video call with Pria and Nico. I was supposed to be at Cryptic but when I woke up to leave, Kaden started bawling his eyes out. He refused to leave my side ever since I brought him home last night.

"You are working from home because last night you rescued a little boy from a kidnapper/abuser. You ran an advanced scan because his profile didn't show up during facial recognition. The advanced scan showed that the little boy you rescued is actually the missing son/little brother of the English Mafia family. The same family that is currently on their way to America to attend the mafia ball and exchange resources with your mafia, but actually have no idea that you have found their missing child/brother. Said child is currently at home with you because he refuses to leave your side, and you are just calmly working on paperwork." Pria exclaimed incredulously. 

"Correct." I replied.

"Well shit." Nico stated.

"Where's the kid now?" Pria asked.

I looked over at Kade sleeping soundly on one of my couches. My office wasn't the ideal space to host a nine-year-old boy, it wasn't even an ideal space to host a grown man or woman, but I had no choice. He had literally glued himself to my hip. "He's sleeping on the couch. Poor kid is exhausted."

"On your couch?" Pria amusedly replied. "Did you at least move the machine guns out of the way?" She sarcastically laughed.

I looked at her unamused. "For your information Sangha he's perfectly safe. I placed all the weapons on the tables, away from him."

She simply laughed in response.

I gave her an annoyed look. "You know I moved the grenades last week." I smirked. "Definitely found the perfect place for them. The trunk of your McLaren was more than adequate."  

Pria's face paled and I gave her a smug smile in response. She huffed in defeat.

Nico rolled his eyes. "Has Kaden talked about what happened to him? I mean, he's been missing for three years, nothing good could have occurred." He hesitantly brought up the heavy topic.

I felt my heart clench. I knew that the subject of Kaden's kidnapping was very sensitive. It wasn't my place to pressure him to speak about it. Last night when I got him a change of clothes so he could shower, I could see faint scars on his back and legs. The fuckers that kidnapped him obviously hurt him, I just didn't know the extent of the damage. Kaden was so scared that I would leave him, he ended up sleeping in my bed. The whole night he laid pressed against my side clutching onto me like I was going to disappear. Just the thought of someone hurting an innocent kid made my blood boil. Rest assured when I find the people responsible for hurting him I am going to release hellfire on them.

"He hasn't talked about anything and I'm not going to force him to. He seemed happy at breakfast though, like he could finally breathe."

"Did you try to contact the English Mafia?" Nico asked.

"My dad contacted them but only got in touch with the underboss. He didn't want to deliver the news over the phone so he just said that he needed the family to contact him and that it was an emergency. The underboss told my dad that the family was currently on their jet heading to America and that they will give us a call when they land. They are approximately eight hours away, and they are about to be in for a major surprise." I scoffed humourlessly.

"Understatement of the century." Nico laughed.

Our conversation was interrupted by soft whimpers coming from the front of the room. I looked up from my laptop to see Kade tossing and turning on the couch.

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