chapter thirteen.

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Third Person POV:

Stephen Rutherford pulled up to the American Mafia warehouse with his security detail following behind him. Today was the day that the English, American, and Italian Mafia Dons were going to meet for a weapons and narcotics exchange.

"Bloody hell." He murmured. The warehouse was absolutely ginormous. He was slowly coming to terms with acknowledging just how wealthy and powerful the American Mafia really was. He would never admit it but he was glad that he wasn't on the wrong side of the Vanderbilts.

He was escorted inside with his guards following behind him holding large crates full of cocaine. They were led to the middle of the warehouse where Jonathon stood standing in front of a table filled with weapons. Upon hearing them arrive he turned around.

"Stephen, it's nice to see you again."

"You as well Jonathon."

The Dons shook hands. The English soldiers lowered the crates and respectfully exited the area.

"How is Kaden doing?" Jonathan politely inquired.

Stephen smiled at the mention of his son. "He's doing great, it's been absolutely amazing having him back." He paused. "You know he won't stop talking to or about Reese, we've caught him whispering to his bracelet way past his bedtime." He chuckled.

Jonathan cracked a small smile. "He's a good kid."

An American Mafia guard walked up to the pair, halting all conversation. "Don Vanderbilt, Don Rutherford, the Italian Mafia has arrived." He informed them.

Unbeknownst to Stephen, Jonathan stiffened. In a cold voice he replied. "Bring them in."

Jonathan narrowed his eyes into slits and glared at the doors. His heart pounded in his chest and he could feel his anger consuming him. Even though he hadn't even laid his eyes on Alexander yet, all he could think about was the Di Genova brothers treating his little girl like she was a burden. It made him absolutely livid. As the doors opened, he took a deep, calming breath in. He promised Reese he would be civil and that is exactly what he would be. Civil, calm, and indifferent.

He watched as the doors opened and his guards stepped out of the way. To the surprise of both Jonathon and Stephen a woman stepped inside. She was approximately five foot six and had curly brown hair and caramel skin. She wore an expensive black pantsuit with white heels. Following behind her were the Italian Mafia soldiers holding their own crates full of drugs. The woman took a minute to scan the warehouse before making her way towards the two Dons. When she reached them, her soldiers lowered the crates and exited. She stood in front of the two men and took off her sunglasses. Her eyes were light brown and even though she tried to conceal it, her face showed clear nervousness. She extended a hand towards Jonathon first.

"Don Vanderbilt, it is a pleasure to meet you." She had a deep Italian accent.

Jonathan raised an eyebrow at her hand but shook it nonetheless.

"And who might you be?" He questioned.

She gave him a small nervous smile. "My name is Anastasia Di Genova." Jonathon gave her a blank look. "Donna of the Italian Mafia."

Jonathon furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. She moved over to Stephen and shook his hand as well.

"Good to meet you Donna Di Genova." Stephen replied, seemingly confused as well.

"I apologize, you both must have questions. Alexander's flight got delayed at the last minute so he was unable to make it here on time. He apologizes for the inconvenience but since I was already in America I am here in his place." She explained.

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